View Full Version : NFL 2015 season started :-)

11-09-2015, 04:25 PM
Watched the season opener between Steelers and Patriots on sly sports, they sure got a lot of games this year!..also just realised Channel 4 demise..again!! But heard BBC picked up a weekly round up show and showing Superbowl and International series live/online etc Just as we thought Channel 4 were back on track as well!
anyways, getting into College Ball as well this year, CFL too as Btee sports have got excellent coverage ....chuffed to bits so much uk based american football programming :-) ..but checked lj's and metv , hoping to find the jets v browns match up for this sunday's opener, 'spose sunday will be feedhunting/ip streaming again hahaha
good luck to all the teams, but especially my beloved New York Jets..Go J-E-T-S JETS!JETS!JETS!
ps Anyone going to Wembley, i'm hitting up the Jets Vs Dolphins game..