View Full Version : Xbmc to Kodi.

13-09-2015, 04:22 PM
My Rasberry Pi has just auto updated to the latest version of OpenELEC.
It's now running on Kodi 15.0 Beta 1
I had Xmbc Gotham before the update that had Navi X.
Now I don't have Navi X in the addon list so I don't know where to go from here?

13-09-2015, 09:13 PM
try installing wookie inside kodi...wookie contains lots and installs as default lots of addons...ie navi-x
go to kodi section on here...and you will see wookie zip...or you could do manual install...following hda5 exellent tutourial
if like most you want to keep the way it looks...and not the wookie front end look...
do what hda5 suggests...when it says unplug your power from box..click ok...but then exit kodi...and then open kodi back up
your wookie will be installed...but layout will be same as kodi...look in addons...you will see navi-x plus many more

14-09-2015, 03:33 PM
try installing wookie inside kodi...wookie contains lots and installs as default lots of addons...ie navi-x
go to kodi section on here...and you will see wookie zip...or you could do manual install...following hda5 exellent tutourial
if like most you want to keep the way it looks...and not the wookie front end look...
do what hda5 suggests...when it says unplug your power from box..click ok...but then exit kodi...and then open kodi back up
your wookie will be installed...but layout will be same as kodi...look in addons...you will see navi-x plus many more

Yep cheers for that.
I now have Wookie but a couple of probs. the first is it seems to take forever to execute a command. Just says "working" for ages.I know I'm only on a Pi B. But I thought it would be much quicker than this.
Secondly,when I'm able to launch Wookie it tells me there has been an error signing on to do with the password and asks me to check the logon details in addon settings.
Can I find theses settings in addon?.........no I can't.
Any help appreciated.
Ta muchly.

14-09-2015, 04:16 PM
How did you install wookie
because both ways ie hda5 tutourial and seagates wookie zip...both on installing ask you to login first time
user = free pw = 1234
once wookie installs...when finished it will say...wookie has finished..please disconect from power
thats it..wookie is installed...
you should not ever see login etc...after its installed
no need to click on wookie icon again..
launch kodi as normal...on start up screen you will see video
below that addons..click in there to see all the stuff wookie has enabled

20-09-2015, 11:54 AM
How did you install wookie
because both ways ie hda5 tutourial and seagates wookie zip...both on installing ask you to login first time
user = free pw = 1234
once wookie installs...when finished it will say...wookie has finished..please disconect from power
thats it..wookie is installed...
you should not ever see login etc...after its installed
no need to click on wookie icon again..
launch kodi as normal...on start up screen you will see video
below that addons..click in there to see all the stuff wookie has enabled

Thanks Extra....
Yes I installed it from hda5 tut. Yes I installed it and entered the correct user/pass and it did say remove power lead etc.
I'm a little confused with launching Wookie from the main menu. Pic enclosed.
Once I launch it what should I see?
All I have is a blank screen ( even after 10 mins). 2nd pic enclosed.
So,if I go to programs and try to launch Wookie from there I get the error message. Pic 3.
So all in all I am not able to "look inside" Wookie.

PS. I can't launch Navi X from programs either. Nothing happens when I press enter when Navi X 4 is highlighted.

20-09-2015, 04:24 PM
open kodi...now at bottom on menu bar...you will see...settings ...programs...music...video...and more
scroll along to video...now under that it says file and next to it.addons
click addons...you will now see all the goodies wookie has installed
from your picture you are going into programs...
your 2nd pic shows you on correct page...scroll along untill you come to video...below that will be addons
in there you will see lots of icons...to launch click on them...
your 3rd pic shows you in wrong place...you are in program addons
you need to be on front page...video...addons...not programs addons

21-09-2015, 01:52 AM
open kodi...now at bottom on menu bar...you will see...settings ...programs...music...video...and more
scroll along to video...now under that it says file and next to it.addons
click addons...you will now see all the goodies wookie has installed
from your picture you are going into programs...
your 2nd pic shows you on correct page...scroll along untill you come to video...below that will be addons
in there you will see lots of icons...to launch click on them...
your 3rd pic shows you in wrong place...you are in program addons
you need to be on front page...video...addons...not programs addons

Sorry Extra..I don't have video on my menu bar. Scrolling from left to right I have settings,quit,addon hub,I'vue TV guide,entertainment hub,music,movies,Rev shows,live Rev,Phoenix,Genesis,live sports,Wookie,kids,the mutts nuts,programs. According to system info I am using Kodi 15.0 BETA1 ( compiled May 3 2015. Now for example,if I rest on Genesis there is a sub tab underneath which gives me search,latest movies,latest episodes,movies,tv shows,my Genesis,tools,channels.now if I click on latest movies it brings me to a page with files,playlists and video addons. If I click on video addons I then get a page with a list of programs. Wookie,Xunity maintenance,F.U.B.A.R. etc etc.
If I click on Wookie I get the small "working" window then shortly after that error login window. If I try F.U.B.A.R. it gives me the lists of sites available. Ultra vid for example. New movies,new on blue ray etc etc.
If I click on new on blu ray it will eventually give me the list of films.
So I am in the right place for launching the programs but for some reason it won't launch Wookie and gives me that error window.



21-09-2015, 09:11 AM
Yes...you are in right place...
i have just followed what you have done ie...launch wookie etc...no error message here...kodi helix 14.2
but like you say you have wookie installed...so there is no need now to click wookie anyway...
unless you are trying install another wookie pack ie wookie xxx for example
if genisis etc launch ok...you are doing it right
now if you go to kodi tips and tricks in the kodi section on this forum...you will see how to put your 5 favourites..
how to set sound..video ratio etc
on desktop...plus other helpfull tips...supplied by myself and other members on here

22-09-2015, 01:13 PM
Obviously Wookie is seeing an error on logging in.
I will have to figure out how to get the xxx pack on and see if I can find my details in addon settings.
Cheers for that

23-11-2015, 03:28 PM
Ok. Update from last time. I was still having probs not being able to update Wookie.
It was still giving me that error message and was painfully sloooow on loading. So I've reset my system. It's back to OpenELEC in the summary page with Kodi 15.0 BETA 1 showing in blue at the bottom of the page with cpu usage. And memory used. I have rebooted and it launches with OpenELEC then Kodi 15. I am on the confluence skin at present.
I have tried to install Wookie again but the way Hda describes it I am not seeing. For example after loading the http......then open from zip file,open zip file does not appear? Is it to do with the skin I am using?