View Full Version : Which IPTV Box?

14-09-2015, 02:11 PM
Hi guys,

I have been using a Windows laptop with Kodi installed to access IPTV, but of course that ties up the laptop.

So I am thinking to replace this setup with a dedicated IPTV box.

Now, although I am a techie, I have never used IPTV boxes before, so go easy on me.

Some basic questions:

1. Do I get ANY IPTV box, load Kodi onto it, then my add-ons (in much the same way as I did with my laptop), then I am good to go, or is there more to it than that?

2. What are the IPTV boxes I should be looking at? (if you have a good reason for your recommendation, please give it)

3. Are all or most IPTV boxes both wired AND wireless? I may need an IPTV box with a wireless connection, so advice here is welcome.

TIA for any advice


14-09-2015, 02:34 PM
try this link


14-09-2015, 02:54 PM
i will suggest a mygica 582...which i use daily
lee (goldwafers) sells these
it comes with kodi built in
it is both ethernet enabled or wireless

14-09-2015, 09:01 PM
internet speed can be an issue and the ability to load an ip shifter if you want to watch geo blocked channels. I found a second cheap laptop was the answer as it removed the remote problem and if that's all you use it for you can tweek it to max performance.

15-09-2015, 07:30 PM
Try out Wetek Play , fantastik box for use with Kodi / Android. have couple of this and have replaced even my other boxes like Vu+
Wetek Play kan be used even with Satellite , Terresial or Cable or just as stand alone IPTV box. Read a bitt round and you will see that this is very very popullar box and have so much support

15-09-2015, 10:16 PM
I find my MAG254 is great - but as with everything its all a matter of personal opinion!

15-09-2015, 10:43 PM
I've got a minix neo x8-h and that works great for everything Kodi wise - also netflix/40d/ITV player etc. As well as spotify and checking emails and things. I even use it with my xbox360 controller and play games on it sometimes - I use it with the minix A2 remote but other remotes work fine as well.

02-11-2015, 07:30 PM
Been using Kodi for a few years now .Massive improvements in hardware and software and support.The development of android has been a major factor .
It will work android phones,iPhones ,windows ,macs and many set top boxes.
Try it on your PC to get the feel.Any film ever made,any TV series ever made ,any UK TV channel , lots of TV channels from across Europe and most of countries of the world.Stacks of sports ,**** etc. etc.
My favourite boxes at the moment are Amazon fire TV , Amazon fire TV stick and Raspberry Pi2 ,all good .

09-01-2016, 03:04 PM
Any recommend a simple iptv box for use in Cyprus ?

I have a m8 who looking to have one for use in an apartment he rents out

For watching UK TV BbC, ITV etc anything else is a bonus

He's after one that will be really easy for visitors to use

09-01-2016, 05:17 PM
I would assume the Mygica from goldwafers. but check with him first , plus they may need to get around geoblocking with being in cyprus and a decent broadband connection too

14-01-2016, 05:44 PM
The new Nowtv (black) is very good m8s but you have to put plex on.

15-01-2016, 11:04 AM
I use a MAG 254 which is OK but been using the Smart IPTV app on my Samsung smart TV and it beats the MAG by some margin; more stable streams better PQ and greater flexibility. You manage the App (adding new URL's) online via the siptv.eu/mylist website ounce you have registered. you can add up to 10 URL's.
I guess the processing power of the Samsung helps a lot in improving things, I have an F series which has a quad core processor.
Its so good I'm considering dumping the MAG.
Just to add, some of the better streams have very little time lag and very close to HD quality as well (from a pay server)

15-01-2016, 11:45 AM
Interesting last comment geoff. I've got a Sony Android TV with Kodi / The Beast installed (and also a decent speed internet link) coupled with a half decent a/v system and even with HQ quality streams I notice picture degredation (a lot of black banding for starters) and also I never get a good 5.1 sound source. Don't get me wrong I get no streaming lag but if you are a bit fussy about the quality of your films I don't think IPTV is quite there yet. It was bad enough losing HQ for Sly!!! LOL

15-01-2016, 12:29 PM
It was bad enough losing HQ for Sly!!! LOL

Some of us havent, LOL, thats the beauty of IPTV. have PLEX on a 4k LG, but think now tv better,(its portable) my m8 takes his to his place in Spain and it works.

15-01-2016, 03:23 PM
Interesting last comment geoff. I've got a Sony Android TV with Kodi / The Beast installed (and also a decent speed internet link) coupled with a half decent a/v system and even with HQ quality streams I notice picture degredation (a lot of black banding for starters) and also I never get a good 5.1 sound source. Don't get me wrong I get no streaming lag but if you are a bit fussy about the quality of your films I don't think IPTV is quite there yet. It was bad enough losing HQ for Sly!!! LOL
Hi, M8
I don't get the black banding you mentioned and yes even the HD streams cannot compete with a transmitted HD source but it is getting there. In my experience. I do get a lot of variation from different HD channels some are poor but some are quite good. The issues seem to be a softer image and motion judder to a greater or lesser degree. I too am really picky on PQ after all you don't invest in expensive TVs to get crap pictures that said sometimes you have to sacrifice PQ in order to watch a particular footy game.
Sadly her indoors will not allow me to erect a dish big enough to get beIN Sports so its about second best.
Where there is a will there is a way.:cup-006: