View Full Version : Mygika success but only 50% of picture!

05-10-2015, 09:41 PM
Gave up with Mygica as could not download Wookie as stb only wants to see jpgs and pngs. (o% interest in films. Just channels). Blew the dust off it today and tried to load old files. Don't know how it happened but got a new looking Wookie. So far extremely impressed. Only thing is I only have a picture in top left corner of screen!!! Any ideas what setting I need to go to please folks?

05-10-2015, 10:08 PM
system...settings...video..now at bottom change to advanced settings
now select acceleration...now look for decoding method...if its on hardware...change to software accelerated...now reboot box
thats what fixed my friends box..
hope it works for you

06-10-2015, 11:58 AM
Many thanks Extrafacto. I have gone in through Wookie...Quit....Settings and unchecked the hardware acceleration. (No mention of software election options in there). That didn't work. I am however guessing that your instructions relate to the options in Kodi itself so will wait until Wookie goes wonky again and go back to plain Kodi and follow your guide. Much appreciated. Incidentally in addition to clearing data before I install Wookie I have been clearing cache!! I think that clearing cache has played a major part in my loading Wookie problems!!

06-10-2015, 01:09 PM
my friend had wookie installed...but instead of unplugging box on completion...he came out of wookie...opened kodi which then showed a circuitboard ie wookie
but all looked same as kodi frontend..except it still had the wookie apps installed....so in his settings i did the above...changed in setting acceleration mode
from hardware to software rebooted...and problem solved
sorry it did not work for you...looked on youtube for maybe an answer...found some doing exactly has i did...but all have kodi front end showing on the videos
UPDATE...out of curiosity i reset my mygica box...installed wookie
i was given choice of retro wookie or new wookie...i chose new
after install i unplugged box so i would get wookie front end instead of kodi front end
to do what i said in earlier post do this
open wookie...go along to quit..under quit you will see settings..click that
now inside that select video...inside that select acceleration go accross and look for
decoding method...as default it will be hardware...click on up and down arrows at side
of hardware...it will now change to software...
this is what i did to sort my friends box

18-11-2015, 10:20 PM
Thanks Extrafacto. Got there in the end!! Your solution works great. Uncheck the hardware dot. Pull power cord out / in. Got full screen. Cheers.

06-12-2015, 12:50 PM
Oh dear!! Updated to 'current stable version' of 15.2. (On MyGika). Loaded Wookie. Fine! However am now back to half a screen, ie top left! Extrafacto's suggestion worked fine before but options are a bit different now!! System....Skin Settings, (as opposed to settings). Drilling down in here using 'advanced' and 'expert' settings I am not finding any video options that relate to acceleration. Any further tips would be greatly appreciated!

06-12-2015, 03:48 PM
will install wookie has im using fusion...and have a look

06-12-2015, 04:40 PM
this is how i set up my box after factory reset
let it reboot...then select language...then i select ethernet
now on screen i set that to 92 percent..that fills my tv screen just right
now before i open kodi or wookie...i go up to app..across to settings
this brings up a page to select time ..date..wifi...ethernet...display ..
i click display...now i get hdmi auto selection...i turn that off...and that now makes hdmi output mode available
i select 1080p-60hz
next i go back to top and select other...then more settings...and now scroll down to volume
i select sound...volumes and turn the top bar right up...as by default its only 50 percent
now i open kodi...it says kodi 15.2 isengard ...now i go to system...settings...appearance
scroll down to screensaver...dim ..black..or none...i select none...i am now installing wookie
am now been given choice...retro wookie...new wookie...i click new
now when wookie asks me to unplug box..i do...because i am guessing thats what you have done
normally i would not unplug box..i would exit kodi...then open kodi again...this way front end looks exactly like kodi does
i go to system...settings...video...set to advanced settings...come down to acceleration
and you will see ...3 lines saying allow hardware acceleration-amcodec...libstagefright-media codec
all these on mine are enabled without any issue...
i would try unchecking top one..reboot...if not cured problem..go back..put check back in
then uncheck next and reboot ...if not put back..and uncheck 3rd one
hope this cures your problem again...i have not had your problem of small picture on screen etc
hope this sorts it

06-12-2015, 07:14 PM
Thanks Extrafacto. That makes sense. Indeed I do pull the plug out so will ignore that and attempt to get to advanced settings in plain Kodi! Many thanks for thorough analysis.

07-12-2015, 10:08 PM
Thanks for your thorough tips Extrafacto. Have spent hours clearing data then adjusting the settings in Kodi then reloading Wookie and then doing it all over again. (There's probably a quicker way to type in all of the wookiespmc stuff but despite using an SD card and 2 USB sticks I haven't found it!!). Still stuck with the picture shrunk to top left. Have had a good old trawl around a browser but no one else seems to have this Wookie related issue. It's Wookie specific as everything else is full screen! Baffled!!! I don't normally 'give up' but given that these boxes are as cheap as chips I will give the MyGika away to a family that likes watching films and buy an alternative box for myself to mess around with. Showbox seems amazing if you like films. Cheers CG

07-12-2015, 10:34 PM
why not put fusion on...and then load any wookie addons you want after...ie muts nuts..showbox etc..
has zip repos..listed in kodi section...everything wookie gives can be found there in zip files
that way you are only loading what you actually want to watch...and not everything that wookie wizard loads

08-12-2015, 02:58 PM
Situation has got dafter now! Ordered an alternative box then decided to try the MyGika on another telly, (similar albeit not identical), and Wookie was full screen! Went back to original telly and was back to half screen! Found video advanced settings in Wookie. Found that the Acceleration ones had changed by themselves. Changed again. Then rebooted. Still half screen and now cannot find the Video settings in Wookie....just Skin Settings! Anyway giving box away tomorrow! Thanks again for your thorough tips. I will try the Fusion route. Gut feel says that will work.

09-12-2015, 02:18 AM
try changing output on tv itself...using tv remote....menu...tv...letterbox.. .16.9...4.3...
see if that solves it...

09-12-2015, 01:44 PM
It's wookie that messes with the screen size if you power off when it asks you too, it's nothing to do with the android box!

Suggest you put kodi back to default, follow guide here

Then you can either re-install wookie and when it says disconnect power (DON'T) just press the OK button on remote then exit Kodi. When you launch Kodi again you'll still have all your default screen settings but all the wookie apps will be there in the Video->Addons section.

Alternatively you can choose to install Fusion instead.

09-12-2015, 02:45 PM
i do exactly like hda5 suggests...i did say so in one of my posts...i usually do not...uplug machine
hda5 sugessted this a while ago...when asked to unplug box...do not...just come out of kodi...go back into kodi
now kodi frontend looks normal...but if you go to addons...all wookie addons are there
where i say i uplugged box like captainglassback...i was hoping i would duplicate his problem on my box...but mine still stayed good...i had normal picture..not half picture on my screen
like hda5 says...this is not a box issue...its to do with wookie...have seen on youtube...video of fixs for this problem...
all stemming from kodi 15.1 on pc and android box etc