View Full Version : Idiots Guide to installing Kodi Fully Loaded unders Windows 7

14-10-2015, 09:58 AM
Hi guys,

having recently installed Kodi Isengard 15.1 on my Windows 7 laptop, and added Husham 'fully loaded' (the Gold Standard of 'fully loaded'), I thought I would record the step-by-step procedure in case it helps others.

The pdf of the full procedure is here at my Dropbox link:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/37rbb2bxjtagsbu/Idiots%20Guide%20to%20Installing% 20Kodi%20Fully%20Loaded%20on%20Wi ndows%207.pdf?dl=0

It will only be current for a while, as Kodi often change/upgrade their code, and Husham brings out new repos. But it will be a good start.

