View Full Version : vu zero setup help

19-10-2015, 02:36 PM
hi all

ive got a vu zero to set up. i got it off No references to other satellite forums or retailers they put black hole on it. what do i need to do to set it up? ive not setup a VU box befor

i got in for my mate just to share from me. ive loged to the box with DCC then clicked on FTP but its all blank.

can someone help me out please

19-10-2015, 02:42 PM
please read the forum rules


19-10-2015, 02:44 PM
how u ment to get help then?

19-10-2015, 02:45 PM
try reading here


19-10-2015, 02:50 PM
thanks mate

19-10-2015, 04:13 PM
how u ment to get help then?

just so you (and anyone else) reading this are in no doubt, the answer is

to read and follow the advice given in the appropriate forums here, in this case especially the sticky threads in the VU ZERO forum here , and especially the DUMMIES GUIDE for all newbies , its always been that way even before you joined us 3 years ago

the mod was quite right in ensuring you read the rules again, due to you breaking them , plus he has given you one live link to get you started on this task

we have all been there when we first bought a new linux box, but the existing sticky threads are the best feedback and advice you will find on the net, same as any other forum , so you have more chance of sorting out your box than the rest of us who had to make do fumbling around in the dark a few years ago

you will also find sticky threads in the other VU help forums here, plus tools and plugins too, also check the enigma 2 settings forum for channel lists for your box, like catseyes lists

good luck