View Full Version : Record light flashing in info bar when no recordings taking place

30-10-2015, 08:48 PM
Hi, My Duo2 has developed a problem. The red recording light is continually flashing on the right hand side of the info bar. This happens even when no recordings are taking place. Can anyone advise me on how to fix this as it is very annoying? I have black hole 2.1.7 installed. I have tuners configured as follows:

Tuner A: DVB-S2
Tuner B: DVB-S2
Tuner C: DVB-T2

I have restored a back up image which was saved to a usb pen drive. This image was created at a time with the receiver did not exhibit this problem. I have also disconnected and reconnected the internal hard drive and powered off and on the receiver using the switch at the back but this has not corrected the problem. Can anyone please suggest how to fix this issue. Many thanks for any help.

30-10-2015, 10:05 PM
On Black Hole 2.1.5 the red recording light is on the left, but I assume it depends on the skin loaded.
Which Skin do you have loaded?
Did you switch toi the default option?

30-10-2015, 10:20 PM
I have Black Hole Skin MX i6p loaded. I think that this is the default skin.

30-10-2015, 11:13 PM
I have only seen this when either recording or I have been watching elsewhere in the house on a PC via a Web I/F connection. Sometimes when I forget to close the browser and come back to the STB I cannot change channels and notice the red light is flashing as though the unit is recording but it is not. All that has happened is that the Web I/F session has the channel I was watching locked.

Quickest way to resolve is to restart Enigma.

Have also seen the light flash on images when updates are available.

Can't think of anything else unless you have a timer recording (series?) running that you had forgotten about?

31-10-2015, 10:31 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. I think I have solved the problem. I manually started a recording by pressing the record button on the remote control. I then immediately stopped the recording. The red recording light is now behaving correctly and only flashes during an actual recording.