View Full Version : android tv box

30-10-2015, 09:18 PM

I`m new to KODI but first wanna buy the best android tv box and not sure which one....

2.Element TI4 Android TV Box
3.Matricom Android G Box Q

So...which one is really good with ofcourse KODI preinstalled...

Please advice...


30-10-2015, 09:25 PM
MyGica ATV 582 sold by the forum sponsor is your best bet also full support on this forum for said box.

code https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/Android-TV-Boxes/

31-10-2015, 08:54 AM
@OP: you won't get an answer to your question on this forum. A while ago, I've asked a similar question regarding Android boxes, and got the same answer that MyGica is the best. While I do understand that MyGica seller is the forum sponsor, which is great and I do endorse when people advertise their products on here, I don't understand as to why when someone asks a question like "which is better, this or that, people usually ignore the question and go "go buy from our sponsor". The better answer in my opinion would be " option A is better than option B or C, but I would also advise you to look at MyGica boxes from our forums sponsor".

31-10-2015, 10:09 AM
Why but mince when you can have steak springs to mind it would be pointless for me to choose between these boxes that I know nothing about. The OP is asking advice on a Android box for Kodi ANY box nearly any box will give you Kodi even your mobile phone can have it. The main purpose of suggesting the sponsor is Lee after sales is extremely good add to that this forums backup and help with this item is beyond approach. People on this forum will help with this box down to the last press of a button regardless of what you require your box to do you will also find this box sells extremely well America. I have a MyGica 1200 and when it's ready for retirement believe me when I say this box will be top of the shopping list because you'll also find it hard to find the specs for this box elsewhere.

Rant over hehe

31-10-2015, 11:35 AM
I have purchased now a total of 21 mygica 582 boxs...reason..simple...best picture quality i have seen
best sound i have heard...yes i have tried other android boxs...but none compare..no contest in my opion
it has its own version of kodi installed...written by the guys who actually make the box
i have never had any problems..i have thrown everything i can think of at it
i purchased 2 for myself...one to view on...the second to throw anything at
yes all were purchased from lee(goldwafers)
but if i had purchased from elsewhere...yes they would have been same...may have cost more...or less
does not alter the fact that in my opion...this is best android box around...regaurdless of price
so to sum up...my opion go for a mygica 582 and if you also want exellent service..advice,,fast delivery...and a seller who actually
cares about his customers...buy from sponsor lee(goldwafers)...you will not be disapointed

31-10-2015, 01:02 PM
I understand sponsor etc. also that everyone think differently and they think they knows better , but I wanna find the truth (if is possible).
When I watch youtube video about PROBOX 2 EX 4K they say that this is the best ever untill now (if they speak the truth)....
When I decide to buy something wanna be sure that this is what I want.....not because someone likes that more then other...!
Anyway a good quality (Full HD and 4K) and stable box with kodi is what i want.....
Thanks anyway...

31-10-2015, 01:13 PM
@mirobilly...i understand what you are asking...now here are a few facts
i said i had tried different boxs...upto yet the mygica 582 has given me exactly what i wanted
quad core...has most are dual core...and yes it does make a big difference
mygica=quad core...full hd...4k...and stable...because it runs on kodi preinstalled...their version of kodi to run perfectly on the software and hardware they
use in the box..so it ticks all your 3 requirements and more
but all people are entiteld to their own opion...mine was mygica 582 ...21 times...lol
and has stated...all from lee(goldwafers)

31-10-2015, 10:28 PM
@mirobilly...i understand what you are asking...now here are a few facts
i said i had tried different boxs...upto yet the mygica 582 has given me exactly what i wanted
quad core...has most are dual core...and yes it does make a big difference
mygica=quad core...full hd...4k...and stable...because it runs on kodi preinstalled...their version of kodi to run perfectly on the software and hardware they
use in the box..so it ticks all your 3 requiements and more
but all people are entiteld to their own opion...mine was mygica 582 ...21 times...lol
and has stated...all from lee(goldwafers)

Most of the Android boxes nowadays support 4K and have quad core processors. I have got a cheap Android box that has 4 k support, Android 4.4 and runs happily all Android apps. Wether Kodi comes pre installed on the box or not,makes no difference whatsoever when it comes to performance and stability of the app. There is no their version of Kodi or mine, it's the same app, it's just customised in a different manner. For example, I use Wookie on my Kodi, but it's still Kodi underneath.My point, MyGica boxes are great, no doubt about it. Having said that, most of the Android boxes that have quad core processor and at least Android 4.4 will be able to run Kodi as well as other Android apps regardless of the brand. Just to set the facts straight about this.

31-10-2015, 10:46 PM
@davorp...yes you are correct
what i meant to implie was..my first mygica box came installed with kodi preinstalled..it came with helix 14.1
this was a version of kodi that the mygica team tweeked to suit their box..(as they thought best) after testing it
after a few weeks of running this..a pop up from the mygica team announced that a 14.2 helix version of kodi for their box was ready
i chose to upgrade to it(they stated on their website..all mygica box users we advise to use our version of kodi...on your box
has this has been tested to run no problems on our box
i have also used kodi from kodi site on this box... also wookie...and all ran perfectly
so the mygica 582...has no issuses with any version of kodi
when you put fusion on this box...it even has its own icon on wizard page...
ie...windows...android...mac...li nux...mygica...
hope this clears things up on what i actually meant when i stated..mygica suggest using their version...tweeked...of kodi
on their boxs..and shortly a 15.2 version from mygica team will be released

07-11-2015, 09:41 AM
What about Idroidnation I-Box Android 5.1 Octa Core 2g/8g Kodi 15 Insengard Wifi 4K Smart TV Box 8gb ROM......small consumation of electricity.....