View Full Version : Dummies guide to setting up Vu+ Solo 4K

03-11-2015, 04:45 PM
Dummies guide to setting up Vu+ Solo 4K by Lee Goldwafers.com

Click Here to Buy Vu+ Solo 4K (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/Vu-Solo-4K-Vu-Solo-4K-Vu-Solo-4K-Vu-Solo-4K-Vu-Solo-4K-Vu-Solo-4K-Vu-Solo-4K.html)

Useful Software
7zip - http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
Winrar - http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm
Either of the above software can be used for unzipping the files.
VuCC - https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?168091-VuCC-Vu-Control-Centre-V0-8

Connecting LNB cable(s) don't get Tuner A and Tuner B mixed up.
Look on the back and make sure Tuner A cable goes into LNB 1 and Tuner B cable goes into LNB 2.
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=64270&stc=1 Click on image to expand and see the tuner A and B inputs properly.

1. Installing BlackHole Image

Download the latest BlackHole image from here

Unzip the Blackhole_image_usb.zip file and extract the vuplus folder to a USB PEN Drive.

After unzipping to the pen drive you should have a folder on your USB pen drive named vuplus

In the vuplus folder is another folder named solo4k

Power off Vu+ Solo 4K with switch on the back
Open the front flap on the right hand side.
Insert USB Pen Drive into the front USB socket behind the front flap.
Power on Vu+ Solo 4K

When you see the "Update! Press Power" message on the front display, press the power button (located behind the front flap to the left of the USB socket)

Once the image has been successfully installed the receiver will reboot automatically.

2. Setup Motorised Dish using USALS

First get your longitude & latitude info from _http://www.satsig.net/maps/lat-long-finder.htm

Enter your post code into satsig.net and you'll get the correct LON & LAT info for your location.

Example if I enter the following UK postal code: SE1 6JZ into _http://www.satsig.net/maps/lat-long-finder.htm

I get the following LON & LAT:
Longitude: -0.1042°
Latitude: 51.4979°

Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select Service searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

This is how to configure Tuner for Motorised Dish using USALS.
Use the < > buttons on remote to select Configuration: Simple.
Use the down button to select mode and use the < > buttons to set to Positioner.

So your screen should look something like this...

Configuration Mode: Simple
Mode: Positioner
Longitude: 0.104 (Make sure you enter your own Longitude settings here)
Latitude: 51.497 (Make sure you enter your own Latitude settings here)

Press OK to save.

Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select service searching Press OK
Select Positioner Setup Press OK
Select goto 0 Press RED Button

Dish should now goto 1w.

3. Installing Softcam
Download the enigma2-plugin-cams-oscam_11077_all.ipk file from

FTP the enigma2-plugin-cams-oscam_11077_all.ipk to the /tmp folder on your Vu+ Solo 4k.

Now to install Oscam via the Black Hole menu.

Press Green Button then Yellow Button on Vu+ remote control.

Select Manual Install IPK Packages.
Select the enigma2-plugin-cams-oscam_11077_all.ipk file and press OK.
Message will appear - Do you want to install enigma2-plugin-cams-oscam_11077_all.ipk

Select "Yes" and press OK.
Message will appear - Installed.
Press the exit button on remote a couple of times to come out of all the menus.

4. Activate Cam
Press the Blue button and use the < > buttons on remote to select Oscam.
Press OK to run the CAM.

Oscam config files are located in /etc/tuxbox/config

5. Upload a Channel List
Download a pre-configured channel list example catseye's from


For motorised dishes you'll want to look for this thread "CATSEYE E2 settings lists (VARIOUS SATELLITES)"
Go to the last page in that thread to download the latest Catseye E2 Settings File All Sats.rar file.

Unzip the Channel List to your local HDD.

Example C:\Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-45 West

Use VuCC to upload channel list to Solo 4K.

VUCC is an essential tool to have.
Download VuCC From

How to setup Vu+ with VBox II DiSEqC 1.2 Positioner.

If your VBox II already has the satellite positions stored and your changing from an old receiver to Vu+ then follow this procedure.

Write down your VBox II satellite position numbers. These are the numbers displayed on the front of the VBox II when moving to a
specific satellite position. These position numbers can also be found in your old receivers motor setup menu.

Example lets say...
Position 1 on VBox II = Astra 19e
Position 2 on VBox II = Eutelsat W2 16e
Position 3 on VBox II = Hotbird 13e

You get the idea...

First send the dish to Astra 19e using Vbox II.

On Vu+ Remote Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Now set Configuration Mode to Advanced. Use Left or Right keys on remote to select.

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Astra 19e
LNB: 1
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to bottom of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 001

Press OK to store.

OK that's Astra 19e setup now to setup Eutelsat W2 16e

Now send the dish to Eutelsat 16E using Vbox II.

Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Eutelsat W2 16e
LNB: 2
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to bottom of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 002

Press OK to store.

OK that's Eutelsat W2 16e setup now to setup Hotbird 13e

Now send dish to Hotbird using Vbox II

Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Hotbird 13e
LNB: 3
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to bottom of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 003

Press OK to store.

You get the idea, now repeat for the rest of the satellites and your done.