View Full Version : Newbie setup help

20-11-2015, 09:35 PM
Hi everybody. Im new to all of this... kind of. Ive had my box over a year(somebody set it up for me) and it recently crashed. So Ive been trying to set it up myself and its taking me an age.

Ive flashed a new bootloader on and flashed the latest vix on to my box. Ive went through the setup wizard and done all of that. I just want to know what do I do next? picons, skin, n-line, and anything else? is there a certain order to do things in? and how to do them? Im a total newbie but Ive been looking at forums. Ive downloaded filezilla etc just not 100% on how to ftp etc...

thank you :)

20-11-2015, 09:45 PM
I would

ignore the skins and plugins for now, ie:- get it working first

use dreamset to load in one of the catseye lists from the SETTINGS for ENIGMA 2 forum (in the sticky thread)

set up both of the tuners in the setup menu

VuCC has filezilla for ftp , which includes help in its menu (but DCC can also be used if you are familiar with it)

telnet in using VuCC and use the passwd command to change the image password

ftp the picons to a picon folder on a rear mounted usb stick, after being formatted by the duo from its menu
dont forget to map the usb drive as well , choosing the usb option for it

ftp the vu cccam 2.30 ipk to var/tmp and then install it from the plugin menu

ftp to var/etc and add any c line to the CCcam.cfg file and save it

you should read the NEWBIES guide for dummies, top of this forum, it tells you most of these basics

setup the EPG from the menu to store data on the usb stick in the rear slot

sort out the audio section for language and preferred audio, so you dont get NAR etc

20-11-2015, 10:20 PM

Clone Box Bud??

20-11-2015, 10:50 PM
The Bootloader is the CFE, in the Duo this is version 3, released in 2011, to avoid problems with newer, larger, images.
You can read about it on the VU+ Home site:


22-11-2015, 03:50 PM
thanks for youre help. sorry about the late reply, Im just getting round to it now. Ill try my best. Im looking on the dummies guide now, on how to install cam. then after that I think its just for users with a motorised dish.

no not a clone box pal..I hope not anyways

22-11-2015, 05:43 PM
I would

telnet in using VuCC and use the passwd command to change the image password

ftp the picons to a picon folder on a rear mounted usb stick, after being formatted by the duo from its menu

ftp the vu cccam 2.30 ipk to var/tmp and then install it from the plugin menu

ftp to var/etc and add any c line to the CCcam.cfg file and save it

can anybody help me with ftp the picons to a picon folder please. I have vucc and Im in filezilla now. I have the picon folder selected but cant work out twhat to do now? how do I ftp it on the rear mounted usb stick?

22-11-2015, 05:44 PM
Using Filezilla is easy, it's just a simple File transfer Protocol system, where you see files on your PC, displayed on the left, and files on your VU+ displayed on the right.
All you need is the username, root, and your receivers IP address, which you can find in the menu, probably under Network, and Adapter Settings.
There is an excellent dummies guide, supplied by Lee, from Goldwafers, but this is based around the Black Hole image, but still worth reading:

22-11-2015, 05:51 PM
Using Filezilla is easy, it's just a simple File transfer Protocol system, where you see files on your PC, displayed on the left, and files on your VU+ displayed on the right.
All you need is the username, root, and your receivers IP address, which you can find in the menu, probably under Network, and Adapter Settings.
There is an excellent dummies guide, supplied by Lee, from Goldwafers, but this is based around the Black Hole image, but still worth reading:

thanks for the quick reply mate. Im learning all the time with this but it doesn't come natural. Im a complete newbie. Ive read that link you've shared but as you say its black hole. I just don't know what to do next in the picture ive shared.. its obviously something really simple, I just don't know where to send the picon file to (rear mounted usb?) 64388

22-11-2015, 06:25 PM
I hope you have formatted this usb stick in the manner described in the sticky threads first

ie:- set the formatter going, insert when asked and allow the image to format it , then mount it as well

then you create a picon folder on your laptop and put all your picon files (pictures) inside it

then you select the picon folder on your laptop and click transfer to send the folder (with files) over to your usb stick

so on one side you have the picon folder on the laptop, on the other side you select media and usb and that is where this picon folder will be going , your ftp program will be transferring the picon folder plus all its contents

22-11-2015, 06:32 PM
I hope you have formatted this usb stick in the manner described in the sticky threads first

ie:- set the formatter going, insert when asked and allow the image to format it , then mount it as well

then you create a picon folder on your laptop and put all your picon files (pictures) inside it

then you select the picon folder on your laptop and click transfer to send the folder (with files) over to your usb stick

so on one side you have the picon folder on the laptop, on the other side you select media and usb and that is where this picon folder will be going , your ftp program will be transferring the picon folder plus all its contents

Ive done the rest but didn't put a picon folder on the usb. that's obviously where I have been going wrong... Ill try that now, thankyou

22-11-2015, 06:50 PM
if you create a picon folder on the usb stick, then you only need to ftp the png files into it

ie:- dont have a picon folder inside the picon folder

the picon folder goes onto the root of the usb stick

the png picture files go inside it

22-11-2015, 07:30 PM
well I thought Id done it. Ive rebooted my box and nothings changed..its been a long day :( Its filezilla im struggling on

22-11-2015, 07:38 PM
Im not sure if it has worked or not. How would I know? Ive rebooted my box. so as it stands on my usb I have an epg folder and a picon folder.inside the picon folder is a picons folder, and inside that is the picons png images. is that wrong?

22-11-2015, 08:18 PM
I already explained how it works, perhaps you should read my explanation again , I thought I made it crystal clear

and yes, its wrong

ps:- you asked about picons earlier, so why ask if you dont know what they are for or how to use them ?

you need to learn to research what you are doing, why you are doing it and only do it if its necessary , before attempting it , paying extra careful attention to the details, as the devil is in the detail

you seem to be adding things like skins and picons with no knowledge as to why you are doing so

22-11-2015, 08:21 PM
Have you mapped the USB stick? Mapped is just how you set it up, via the menus, in your VU+ Duo.

22-11-2015, 08:39 PM
like I say, im a total newbie. sorry I did read youre explanation but im on a few forums/websites etc trying to research and learn and it is frying my brain. Im stuck. Ive never done anything anywhere near like this before, but we all start out somewhere,right. I wouldn't have bought this box if I knew what was involved but I bought it from a recommendation(friend of a friend).

the only reason I know what picons are, is from going by different step by step tutorials (what Im stuck on) to set up my box. I just didn't know if there was a certain order to do stuff in. Sorry to be a pain, but Ive had no tv for weeks and I don't know anybody with this box. whenever I seem to be getting anywhere I get a software error message on my screen, that's what started all this in the 1st place(me doing all this). but that's a different problem that's just happened again tonight after about a week.

Yes Mickha Ive done all that mate

22-11-2015, 08:59 PM
well , as I said earlier , you want a folder called picon on the root of the usb stick (media/usb) and inside it you want all the png files (the pictures , or picons)

but as you have no idea what they are for , why you are using them or what size picons to use , plus as you dont need them to actually use the box, I must question your decision to add them at this time

I only added them into my reply because you asked about them , I regret that decision now

to recap , you dont need skins or picons or plugins to use the box , save that learning process for later

you do not want folders inside folders unless told to do so , like the etc folder inside the var folder for example

which would be var/etc , where the etc folder would contain files , and possibly sub-folders too

there are no folders inside the picon folder, none whatsoever

if you have had no channels for weeks, you should concentrate on the basics, sorting out fta channels first, then moving onto scrambled channels, ignore the rest

22-11-2015, 09:32 PM
an amended setlist for a newbie like yourself

I would

ignore the skins , picons and plugins for now, ie:- get it working first

use dreamset to load in one of the catseye lists from the SETTINGS for ENIGMA 2 forum (in the sticky thread)

set up both of the tuners in the setup menu

VuCC has filezilla for ftp , which includes help in its menu (but DCC can also be used if you are familiar with it)

telnet in using VuCC and use the passwd command in telnet to change the image password

insert a rear mounted usb stick, after being formatted by the duo from its menu (plug it in when asked to do so)
dont forget to map the usb drive as well , choosing the usb option for it, after its formatted and mounted

ftp the vu cccam 2.30 ipk to var/tmp and then install it from the plugin menu

ftp to var/etc and add any c line to the CCcam.cfg file and save it

you should read the NEWBIES guide for dummies, top of this forum, it tells you most of these basics

setup the EPG from the menu to store data on the usb stick in the rear slot (which you formatted earlier)

sort out the audio section for language and preferred audio, so you dont get NAR etc

22-11-2015, 10:30 PM
Ok. Thank you. I've had the fta channels since my box crashed. I've loaded bouquets and epg and everything was how it should be. My next step really should have been to add my n-line. I apologise for getting carried away when I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just trying and obviously failing. When I said I had no channels, the only ones I can watch are hd, as when I watch anything else I get a software error. I don't know if anybody on here is familiar with it?. I couldn't connect to my box via FileZilla or any other programme, I've flashed my box from blackhole to vix, and I thought that was it, as I can now connect my box, but tonight, after watching an sd Chanel it crashed again

22-11-2015, 11:45 PM
It could be one of the plugins, or addons, that are causing the problem.
You don't need anything added, to view channels, apart from an Emu, (Emulation), like CCcam 230, and to alter your CCcam.cfg file, using Filezilla, to add your line.
Try loading a new image, then don't add anything, especially if you've got any backups stored.
Stop trying to use Picons, or any EPG program, until you're certain your receiver is working correctly.

23-11-2015, 12:00 AM
Ok man thanks. I'll try again tomorow night, without adding epg. What about boquets? Then I'll try add my n-line if I can

23-11-2015, 12:15 AM
wot he said earlier in post 20 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

without you ftp,ing the crashlog and putting it on here, we cannot comment on the crashes , although I would have thought a new image like vix 3.2.021 would work ok providing you havent added non-vix plugins or emus or skins etc

backup your CCcam.cfg file from var/etc, then install the latest vix above using a front usb stick , then follow my quick guide from earlier , no extra skins (use the default) , no epg , no picons , just do as mickha says, stick to the basics , so new image , brand new catseye channel list (bouquets , commonly called a SETTINGS file) , set usals if using a motor , set password using telnet , set audio as per the sticky thread, add cccam for vix (so not the BH one) , add the backed up CCcam.cfg , select and save cccam 2.30 as emu

test it

24-11-2015, 05:13 PM
Ok thanks. Sorry for the late reply. Hopfully I'll get a chance to try this tonight

24-11-2015, 09:53 PM
So, after reflashing my box, adding bouquets, starting (learning) how to install cccam. I just installed 2.30. I got the error again on my screen. I cant ftp the crashlog, as soon as it crashes I cant connect to my box unless I reflash. So Ive taken a photo from my phone. I hope it works and hope you guys can help.

when I reboot my box this is the message I get


24-11-2015, 09:54 PM
sorry about the pictures uploading sideways, not sure how that happened

25-11-2015, 12:03 AM
1) exactly how did you install CCcam ?

2) where did you install or get the cccam from ?

25-11-2015, 12:17 AM
I havnt installed it on to my box, just my laptop at the moment. Then I got this message again.
My box was originally set up a year ago, never had a problem until the last couple of weeks

25-11-2015, 12:23 AM
you said in your previous post that you installed cccam v2.30 , now you say you havent , its one or the other !!

you cannot install cccam to your windows based laptop, that is impossible

you need to give correct details about what you are doing as we cannot see what you are doing

you also need to tell us which image and version of the image you installed

for clarity, tell us everything you are using , files , tools , version numbers

I assume you installed vix ? which one ? which version ? (there are dozens)

if you installed cccam v2.21 or v2.30 , where did you get it from ? (I asked this before - yet no reply)

what else have you installed that could have caused these errors ?

which bouquets did you install and what program and version number did you use ?

I hope you are not deliberately avoiding answering these questions or withholding information ?

one liner replies are useless if you require help and advice

25-11-2015, 11:11 AM
Apologies again.

I've downloaded cccam v.2.30 from a forum to my laptop last night. I can't from the top of my head remember which one. I think it was top or one of the top pages on the Google search. I have not installed it to my box. I was about to try but that's when I got the error message again before I got the chance.

At the moment, on my box I have installed openvix 3.2.019 from the vix team page. I got my bootloader from here aswel.

I installed catseye e2 setting file 06.11.15 from this forum in the sticky.

I haven't done anything else.

My box was set up for me a year ago with a version of black hole. Im not sure what version but I could try and find out if you needed that. I had no problems with the box until recently when that software message popped up.

That's the reason I'm trying to sort it, because it prevents me using the box once the message shows.

I'm not trying to keep anything from anyone echelon, I'm just very new to this and proving to be not much good.

I really appreciate any help from anybody on here. Over the last couple of weeks I've been using all different forums and getting my self mixed up. I will for sure just be sticking to this one now. I'm unbelievably busy at work at the monent too, that's the reason for the delay in messages.

Thanks for you're pacience. Like I say I really appreciate it when you could easily ignore me :)

25-11-2015, 12:13 PM
Personally I think you should first test your receiver, to see if there is a hardware fault.
Do this by loading either an early Black Hole image, or even an original image:

Follow the instructions, and just scan a single satellite, whichever one your dish is on.
Once set up, try viewing some FTA, Free to Air, channels, and leave the receiver on, a soak test.
If it's working fine then try loading a newer image, CCcam, and a channel list, if not, some of the older VU+ Duo receivers have been known to suffer capacitor problems, which can be easily repaired.

25-11-2015, 03:25 PM
that is a much better reply in post #29 than post #24 and is all I was asking for although you didnt mention the loader for the catseye list , so you have not installed cccam , you have downloaded it from somewhere , plus you have not said which image it is designed for (this is very important) ie:- I do not want you installing a BH version in openvix, its that simple

the last openvix that I mentioned is 3.2.021 (now superceded by 3.2.023) and due to you having errors (as seen in your pics earlier) then maybe this was a bug in that 3.2.019 image and possibly fixed in v20 or v21 , or it may still exist in which case you send those crashlog details to openvix so they can fix it

in other words, it may not be your fault

I agree with mickha that maybe you should try something else, I would recommend the openBH v0.1 and use only the cccam 2.30 ipk file for BH as linked by the sticky threads (so not from anywhere else)

or try the latest openvix, but DO NOT INSTALL any downloaded cccam from the net

why ? because in openvix you go into the plugins - addons (or updates) - choose softcams and install one from there, when I looked the other day it had cccam v2.21 and mgcamd v1.35 for starters , so my point is you dont use downloaded to your laptop files if there are options from within the image (which there isnt an option in BH but there is in openvix)

rule of thumb is dont use downloaded files unless there is no alternative, ask if you dont know

if you do use downloaded files, make sure its the correct one for the flash image and version number , otherwise you will get crashes and crashlogs when incorrect files are used (you wouldnt put diesel in a petrol car, even if they are both ford focus)

you can see an explanation of this in the zgemma forum here


we do want you to succeed , which is why its frustrating when the feedback is minimal as you need to help us to help you

so try openBH 0.1

or try the latest BH 3.0.1 (out this week) , or the older BH V2.15 or v2.16 (not v2.17)

or try the latest openvix 3.2.023

ps:- you didnt mention how you loaded the catseye list, I hope it was with the latest dreamset like v2.44 and select enigma 2 version 4 for the box type

good luck

30-11-2015, 08:50 PM
hi guys just an update. I installed openBH 0.1 from this forum, from echelons first post dated 17/07/15 in the openBH 0.1 thread. I went through the set up wizard set my satellite. I scanned for channels and got the FTA ones up. I've left it like this for a couple of days and I haven't had the software error message..yet. the only problem I have had is needing to reboot my box every time I turn the tv on as all I have is a black screen with the time and date on the front of the box.
so next I will try the cccam 2.30 ipk file from this forum. can anybody tell me if there is a tutorial of this on here so as I know I'm doing the right thing and not something that I shouldn't.

30-11-2015, 09:02 PM
sounds like the box has gone into standby mode, press the STB button on the top right of the remote to wake it up

the sticky threads have tutorials on this aspect of installing cccam

ftp (transfer) the blackhole v2.30 ipk file to the tmp folder on the box

use the menu or plugins addons and the plugin manager and select the ipk installer (possibly under the green button and then the yellow addons and then the 4th option down in the menu - manual install IPK packages)

this should now see the ipk file in the tmp folder

select the cccam ipk file and tell it to install

when finished , cccam is on the box and the cfg file in var/etc can be modified to add a c or n line using an ftp program like filezilla (VuCC) and the free program NOTEPAD++ (install notepad++ first onto your pc if not done already)

30-11-2015, 09:47 PM
brilliant. thank you. I will try this as soon as I get a spare hour or 2 this week and will let you know. thanks :)

20-04-2016, 08:49 PM
Hi guys. I never got my box going again.

Would there be anybody interested in doing it for me? I would pay of course.

20-04-2016, 10:34 PM
I think the reply to that will be NO

as per the rules you agreed to
No personal adverts or dealer adverts what so ever.(respect our forum sponsor)
No requests asking for or paying for other members to set up your equipment for you apart from motors and dishes

20-04-2016, 10:39 PM
Hi guys. I never got my box going again.

Would there be anybody interested in doing it for me? I would pay of course.

Maybe you could ask who ever it was that did the initial setup, to do that for you, as they would know what they installed, and then you could explain what you want installed on your receiver now.