View Full Version : Lost everything except FTA

21-11-2015, 09:42 AM
I suspect it may have something to do with VUCC as I recently updated the version of Filezilla on it. Can I remove VUCC from my PC and then just reinstall it or use DBCC or would I also have to reflash my box ?

When I've lost channels previously I've gone to Addons and downloaded the latest Vannibal settings and everything is OK. When I try now I'm getting "SORRY CONNECTION FAILED" I'm connecting to the internet in other ways such as the Youtube Player.

21-11-2015, 10:47 AM
VuCC is not installed , its a stand alone program , same as DCC is (and same as dreamset too)

use Dreamset or Dreamboxedit TO FTP channel lists like CATSEYE or VHANNIBALS

you can probably uninstall filezilla using the programs add and remove option in windows control panel

you can use DCC to ftp files over, no installation necessary

if using DCC or VuCC or Dreamset , make sure you use the latest ones

Dreamboxedit has 2 options , stand alone option or installed option

you havent said which box you have at all, nor which image and version is in the flash , but I doubt that you would need to reflash

in future , please post questions in the correct forum, and give more information too

21-11-2015, 11:02 AM
Judging by your other posts you have a VU+ Zero, is that correct?
Are you using the Black Hole image?
Downloading programs, on your PC, shouldn't affect the VU+ receiver, so I would look elsewhere.
First I suggest you check your CCcam.cfg file, using Filezilla, and see if it's still the same.
next I would check that CCcam, Oscam, or other Emu, on your receiver, is installed, selected, and activated.
As Echelon has requested, please post back with more detailed information, then the thread can be moved to the correct section.