View Full Version : CCcam install help

22-11-2015, 10:01 AM
Can anyone out there point me in the right direction to a fairly simple walk through to load CCcam to the Zgemma s2?

Have looked around the boards but not really found anything but maybe looking in the wrong place.

Any advice or help much appreciated.

22-11-2015, 02:10 PM

23-11-2015, 10:10 AM
Voyager, many thanks for the reply and link but was looking for more of a tutorial than anything else as I am completely ignorant on the subject at the moment. Not yet purchased one yet but sure I will find enough information to get me going.

23-11-2015, 10:46 AM
Do you need help installing actual CCcam or the CCcam config file?

If it's help installing CCcam then it depends what image you have installed on your box.

Some images have a softcam feed already installed that you can access from the plugins menu, other images don't and require manual installation.

We'd need to know what image you have installed or plan on installing before continuing.

24-11-2015, 10:23 AM
hda5. like I said I do not yet own one of these boxes and my inquiry was only for personal research reasons.

I have a n line that I currently use on a spiderbox and thought I might share it with the zgemma on the same network and was under the impression that CCcam needed to be installed when purchasing a new box but sounds from your post maybe not.

Many thanks for the time and trouble taken in replying to my question and feel sure once purchased will sort things out.


24-11-2015, 11:05 AM
If you want to use your N: Line using CCcam when you buy your box, you’ll have to:

1. Install CCcam which is available to download on some images in the Plugins -> Download Plugins -> Softcams menu.

2. Paste your N: line into the CCcam.cfg file and save it. You’ll then have to use an FTP client to transfer the CCcam.cfg file from your PC to the ZGemma. CCcam.cfg goes in the /etc folder on most images and the /usr/keys folder on OpenATV images.

25-11-2015, 10:00 AM
hda5, thanks once again for the reply but the terminology and detail is a little beyond me at the moment. Will need to learn about Images and plugins for example.
Will purchase one and start playing once I feel confident enough but need to start learning on page 1 first.

25-11-2015, 10:30 AM
hda5, just had a look at your "hda5's OpenATV 4.2 Backup Image for ZGemma-Star 2S" instructions and the mist has begun to lift.
Just purchased one on the strength of it.
Many thanks.

25-11-2015, 11:14 AM
Support Satpimps by buying your ZGemma from our sponsor, Goldwafers.

28-11-2015, 11:32 AM
All set up ok but still cannot fathom how to edit the n line either with the remote or using filezilla or flash fxp.
Get to the CCcam.config file easily enough but only opens in microsoft office showing four files flash fxp, CCcam mg cfg and newcamb

Think I need to edit the CCcam file but only displays in picture format and not text. Nearly there I hope.

28-11-2015, 11:47 AM
ftp the file to your laptop , open in notepad plus , add the n line and save using the exact same filename , ftp the amended file back to the box, overwriting the one in there

if you change the file attributes on your laptop to open those files using notepad or notepad plus, they wont open in word or any other program (they cannot open in office as its not a program, so must be opening by default using an individual office program , like word for example)

the CCcam.cfg file normally sits in var/etc on most images

28-11-2015, 12:26 PM
echelon thanks for the reply but do not understand what ftp is short for.

28-11-2015, 12:47 PM
FTP is just File Transfer protocol, it's a long standing method, of transferring files, to, and from, your PC.
If you download Filezilla, a free FTP program, and connect it to your receiver, you will see the files, from your PC, on one side, and the files, located on your receiver, on the other side, allowing you to copy, edit, or add/replace files.

28-11-2015, 01:06 PM
Mickha, ok and thanks. Got there in the end but still cannot prevent office on windows 10 from opening file automatically and cannot yet work out how to copy and edit this CCcam file using notepad plus .
On the verge of uninstalling office.

28-11-2015, 01:20 PM
install notepad plus

open it , use the menu to select the file and select the CCcam.cfg file you have sent to your laptop or pc

so install the program , open it from within notepad plus , edit it , save it using same name and same suffix

ftp back to the box , replacing the existing file when asked

you could use notepad from M$ if you wanted to , but notepad plus is a better option, and its free

if you stop double clicking the file on your laptop, ms office wont open , therefore, dont get office involved in the first place

earlier you mentioned flash.fxp and filezilla , hence I thought you knew what FTP was (plus google would have told you)

its your lack of pc knowledge that is holding you back, not m$ office

28-11-2015, 01:21 PM
Don't uninstall office, it's just been associated to open the file.
Right click, on the do***ent, and select the "open with" option, select the "Choose Default program" option, navigate to Notepad, or better still Notepad ++, if you've downloaded it, and tick the Always Use box.
Beaten to it by quick typist echelon, again:D

28-11-2015, 01:29 PM
Mickha, have used this option in the past when opening do***ents but when right clicking on CCcam there is no option to "open with"
Not sure if this has anything to do with windows 10 or not as have never had this issue before.

Ten Below
28-11-2015, 01:35 PM
Start notepad++ click file at the top left then open & browse to your CCcam.cfg file then it will open.

28-11-2015, 01:37 PM
works fine for me in win10, top option in the menu , then click on more apps, leaving the tick box in the box saying "always use"

in any case, the method I described works and is the correct method to open any file by using the tool or program first and then telling that tool to open the file , which is also the method described in the post above by ten-below

its obvious that your file associations are not set up correctly in win10 , the method mickha describes is the correct way to fix those associations but is irrelevant to your current problem which is caused by not using programs correctly

28-11-2015, 01:41 PM
Mickha Echelon, have used this option in the past when opening do***ents but when right clicking on CCcam there is no option to "open with"
Not sure if this has anything to do with windows 10 or not as have never had this issue before.
Have now found that I can use the drag and drop option to my desktop but this is a very big text file and reading through it cannot come to any type of decision where my n line needs to sit.
Thanks for the time and trouble.

28-11-2015, 01:46 PM
not interested in what has happened before

only interested in you following the simple instructions you have been given

its clear to me that you have win10 installed and have not set up the correct file associations

I have just tested this method in win10 and the option is there, so no good telling me that it isnt , its been there in every windows version since 1995 , thats in 20 years

it has open , open with and also has edit with notepad++ too (in the right mouse menu)

if you follow the simple instructions myself and ten below gave you it will work, no matter what associations are setup (or not)

my advice ? follow the instructions you have been given , not your previous methods, because our instructions are the correct way to do the task

you have 3 experienced people telling you what to do and how to do it, so stop arguing with us and follow our instructions

windows never knows what to do with a file, that is why we, the human operators, are required, to tell it what to do

so open the tool first, then make the tool open the file , forget this right mouse trouble for now , get the job done

28-11-2015, 01:47 PM
Are you trying to open CCcam.cfg using Filezilla, hence the file on your receiver? You need to copy the file, to your PC, first.
Drag it over to your PC desktop then open it.

28-11-2015, 06:57 PM
Echelon. Mickha. You obviously interpreted my last post.
I have already dragged and dropped the file over to my desktop and opened in notepad.
Not too sure yet how to edit the text but will get there eventually.
Many thanks for all the effort and time in replying to what it may seem simple enquiies but think it probably best not to bother anyone anymore.

28-11-2015, 07:27 PM
learn to use your pc and its programs, plus when asking for help do as instructed, especially if its instructions from 3 experienced members

they say a bad workman blames his tools, in this case you blamed win10, I can assure you that it is not a win10 problem, merely a problem with the owner not setting up win10 properly and not using the tools in the manner their authors intended

not knowing how to use notepad is a problem with your experience and knowledge (or lack of)
ditto with flash fxp , filezilla , notepad++ and any other such programs

do not uninstall office because this has nothing to do with office , but it has everything to do with YOU not setting up your file associations correctly (for double clicking) and not opening the program first and then opening the file from within it

do not double click files unless you are absolutely confident that you know what will happen and why , this is always the beginners mistake with files, just clicking for clickings sake with little knowledge on why they are doing it or what will or should happen , then when things go wrong they dont know how to fix it


just learn the basics and follow the instructions given, that is all we ask of you

once you have done what we have told you to do, this will work and you will see the thing in action

when its open in notepad++ , click the cursor to the beginning of the first line and press return
this will drop the top line down by one line
click the top line (empty) at the left hand side (beginning) and paste in the n line you have copied from elsewhere

or type in your N line on that top line, without making any mistakes

now save the file using the exact same name and suffix, so it overwrites the original

now ftp (transfer) that amended file back to var/etc and overwrite the file on the box

restart enigma2 and ensure cccam is the chosen emu , then test your channels

28-11-2015, 07:30 PM
Is it the right file you have opened is it the cfg file easiest way I find is delete the file and make your own or delete everything in the file and replace with your Nline.

28-11-2015, 08:02 PM
Echelon, not too sure how you came to the conclusion I was blaming anything or anyone as I only made a reference to "Office" as a potential problem and not a cause.
Worked in a engineering and trade environment all my life and never blamed my so called "tools" and at any time for my occasional inadequacies.

28-11-2015, 08:40 PM
Try practising copy, and paste, with your line, if you haven't down it before.
Left click, on your mouse, and hold the button down.
Drag the mouse, over your line, including the C:, or N:, highlight it, then right mouse click and select Copy.
Now click in the CCcam.cfg do***ent, right mouse click and Paste.
Once done click the File option, and Save.

28-11-2015, 08:42 PM
because with every post from post #07 its clear you dont understand the basics ,

hda5, thanks once again for the reply but the terminology and detail is a little beyond me at the moment. Will need to learn about Images and plugins for example.
Will purchase one and start playing once I feel confident enough but need to start learning on page 1 first.

have not learned to use notepad despite it being a 20 year old program, you say office opens when there is no "office" program (its a suite of programs by microsoft that includes word , excel , outlook , powerpoint and access) and despite you mentioning flash fxp and filezilla etc you dont appear to know how to use them

fair enough if you say from the outset that you dont know how to use these tools , yet you blame win 10 or office for your ills when its as clear as day to everyone who has replied that you are not opening the program first and then opening the actual file from within the program

at no time did I tell you to drag and drop the file onto your desktop

I told you to ftp the file to your pc (usually into a folder that you have made on the pc) - ftp as in file transfer protocol, or "transfer" in simpler terms (I use flash fxp to do this by selecting the file and choosing "transfer)

you told us that win 10 does not have the "open with" option yet I have checked 2 laptops and a desktop all running win10, including the win10 laptop I am currently using and the "open with" option is there, plus the "edit with notepad++" option is also there after notepad++ is installed as well

people like myself and ten below and mickha are very experienced in these matters and get annoyed when we are told things that are not true

these boxes require some good basic pc knowledge and if used by the newbie can lead to problems , same as if you let a 16 year old loose with a chainsaw , and even an experienced microlight pilot may have trouble flying a dreamliner

therefore we can only judge you by your replies, and so far I dont see evidence of you knowing what you are doing or understanding what we are telling you, so much so that I believe you need to take a basic computer course because I dont get these problems when I tell my 13 year old grand daughter similar answers when she is doing her homework on the laptop or pc and I have never seen her struggle with copying and pasting either.

if you think this process of adding an n line to a CCcam,cfg file is hard , heaven forbid when we get into oscam or something really exacting

I hope you succeed with the info so far, but I have my doubts even if you are superb at your previous day trade , so if it was a mechanic then yes you may have been brilliant, but that does not mean you are any good with a windows pc or a linux satellite box

so assuming you arent, take it slowly and build up those skills, but a pc does not know what to do or how to do it, you are the controller , so learn to control it

none of these current posts are about your new zgemma box , they are all about using your pc or laptop and all the replies have been technically correct and have given you the correct information , this box is nothing like your previous spiderbox where very few pc skills were required

28-11-2015, 09:13 PM
Echelon, I can assure you "open with" is not a option running windows 10 and Office Professional 2010.
I too have tried on two pc;s without having this option when trying to open this particular file.
Probably best to agree to disagree and put to bed as it is to my mind it is all too confrontational for my liking.

Reply if you wish but I for one will not be viewing or commenting and further as I regret even asking in the first place.

Have a pleasant evening.

28-11-2015, 09:29 PM
I cannot help your intransigence in this matter

but I cannot agree with your last post about win10 and have uploaded a picture of my win10 to prove it

its a shame that you cannot admit your pc failings so far so we could move on, even though everybody who has replied knows the score and it is a simple 2 minute task that you have expanded into hours or days

open is option 1
edit is option 2
open with is option 9

and I have checked both filezilla plus flash-fxp and when you have set up your file associations the cfg file opens in notepad (or notepad++ depending which notepad you have chosen)

Ten Below
28-11-2015, 10:15 PM
Cannot believe this is till going santa how about old fashioned DCC which can take care of editing & ftp in one go?
To say you will not be viewing or commenting and further as I regret even asking in the first place is poor given how many have took the time & persisted to help with what is a basic task.

29-11-2015, 05:53 PM
Echelon, I can assure you "open with" is not a option running windows 10 and Office Professional 2010.
I too have tried on two pc;s without having this option when trying to open this particular file.
Probably best to agree to disagree and put to bed as it is to my mind it is all too confrontational for my liking.

Reply if you wish but I for one will not be viewing or commenting and further as I regret even asking in the first place.

Have a pleasant evening.

i have just right clicked on my cccam.cfg file which i have a copy of saved to desktop,,,,,,,,,the open with,,,,option is there for sure......i am also running windows 10...

29-11-2015, 05:59 PM

Echelon, looks like looking at your pic that we have been reading and writing at cross purposes (see my thumbnail)
I learnt early yesterday that the file could be dragged and dropped to my desktop and manipulated with notepad.
I should have submitted the pic earlier as both pics tell everything.
Thanks once again for the time and effort and hope it can and be of some benefit to others.

29-11-2015, 07:29 PM
looks like you were trying to do it in filezilla - hence why you see the TRANSFER option, whereas you would use the correct tool FILE EXPLORER on the pc to set attributes or to follow the instructions we were giving you (it used to be Explorer , or Microsoft Explorer , which is a file manager) once the file was on your pc

if you set the attributes using FILE EXPLORER on your pc for the CCcam.cfg file you have transferred , Filezilla and Flash-fxp will let you edit the one "in-situ" on the zgemma, but not until you have set your attributes correctly, it still requires you to set those attributes in the beginning for this to work properly , so you set NOTEPAD++ or notepad for any cfg file and any txt file too

hopefully you will have learned a lot about using the correct tools for each task

just to recap , the lazy persons way is to double click on files, which is fine as long as they have set the attributes for those file names to use the correct tool , so word for docx files , excel for xlsx files , notepad for txt files , vlc for mkv and mp4 and avi and mp3 files , etc etc

but the correct method is open the tool first , then have that tool open the file

so for word, you open word , then use it to open the doc or docx file

using FILE EXPLORER (not filezilla) you select "open with" on the file (using right mouse) and select the correct tool which is what ten below mentioned in his post

I hope you have now digested the info in this thread and have succeeded in getting your n line into that cfg file and that cccam now works for you