View Full Version : Is there a tv guide for other than Sly UK

25-11-2015, 01:38 PM
Title says it all, in TV & Satellite Week on the back pages they used to have a tv guide for 1 west (may have been others but that's the one that's stuck) but they don't any more, so does anyone know of any other mag that prints a European tv guide.

Love this site

25-11-2015, 07:58 PM
Why do a printed copy when all the information is available via EPG download, or on various websites, e.g. for 1W



If you check satellite sites, like lyngsat, there is usually a link, to the channels, or providers, TV guide.

18-12-2020, 03:42 PM
Here's a few:

french channels --> _https://television.telerama.fr/tele/grille
portugese channels --> _https://www.nos.pt/particulares/televisao/guia-tv/Pages/default.aspx
scandinavian channels --> _https://www.viasat.se/tv-guide