View Full Version : ASH Problem on Galaxy

02-12-2015, 06:59 PM
Hi There.
Just downloaded the firmware for the Galaxy, but how do i get it on the box?
My box is completely dead, when i turn on power it writes START in the display, and then after 1-2 seconds it writes ASH, and it stayes there.
I recon i need a software to upload the 777 black via serial, i have the cabel and i am ready, just need the software to upload it with.

Sorry to bother you.

07-12-2015, 09:03 AM
Got it, problem solved.
But has anybody got contact to the dude from alisat.ws??
I would so much like to get Danish subtitles on the box, and i would like to be helpfull if any translation was necesary.

07-12-2015, 12:57 PM
Bit more info would help mate - what exactly is your 'Galaxy' - a mobile phone, a sat box, etc please?
Please remember, we haven't ALL got whatever it is that YOU are discussing here! lol!!