View Full Version : VU+ Solo2 Comments

20-12-2015, 12:38 PM
Hi all,
I'm contemplating buying a VU+ Solo2 , just asking for comments on the box's easy of set up ,use, adding images and "C" lions, I know a little about things so won't be totally in the dark, I'm currently using a old Spider 9000,( which is playing up), so basically is this box a good box to go for. ?

20-12-2015, 12:42 PM
it certainly is if you can get your head around ftp and the dreambox and vu types of tools and files and I made a similar move except I also started from a dm800 so had more background and knowledge

its not for beginners, but if you are competent with computers and windows and notepad++ etc then its just a case of reading the sticky threads , reading other users threads in all the vu discussion forums and then starting from low expectations of your abilities until you master each stage

the idiots guides for dummies (newbies) are a big help

good luck

20-12-2015, 01:23 PM
Tj I went from spider 9000 to vu solo2 and its like chalk and cheese, it's a brilliant box. It deals with clions easily. It is a steep learning curve, but an interesting one. You will receive lots of help I'm sure. As echelon says read all the stickies and relevant info whilst waiting for your box to arrive. I got mine from our sponsors . In short go for it mate you wont regret it.

20-12-2015, 04:34 PM
i upgraded to a solo2 from the uno best box I have had

just read the guides and all should be ok

20-12-2015, 10:59 PM
i made the same jump myself from spiderbox 9000hd to solo2 and i must say its an amazing what that box can do although i have a relatively high computer knowledge so that some how made the jump a bit easier than others but if you follow the stickies as being suggested by the crew on here and you sure will have all the help you need if you become stuck.