View Full Version : 5402 m3?

25-12-2015, 02:03 PM
Gone very quiet on this front. Any chance of a new patch soon? Both HS1 & 2 gone completely now.

26-12-2015, 01:19 PM
Gone very quiet on this front. Any chance of a new patch soon? Both HS1 & 2 gone completely now.

You don't say which patch you are using mate?

26-12-2015, 01:59 PM
Oops - sorry about that Holmroad m8. I'm on 139. I've been monitoring the "Downloads" page but it's been stuck on item 63 for weeks.

26-12-2015, 03:21 PM
Yes both Hardstations have been down for long time already with patch 139p
Thread about that topic on TMate forum was closed since Phantom is no longer intrested in supporting Technomate boxes .
So wont be any Fix patch anytime soon im afraid .:frown:

27-12-2015, 12:47 AM
Hi Barney, Phantom has actually recently requested 'any issues' comments in his own thread on that very forum you mention, so I strongly suspect he will be coming up with a new M3 patch very soon - or face being labelled a hypocrite?
Last time I checked HS1 was working on patch I've currently settled for - patch 138P!
Will re-check this later however!

27-12-2015, 01:26 AM
Yes you better check again you'll find HS1 was down a long time ago now .
You'll also find Phontom has not made a post public in a long time either
his request for 'any issues' comments was a month ago

phantom, Nov 27, 2015

Last Patch was 139p 2 months ago

A Simple URL Fix should have been posted long time ago when HS2 went down now both down and silence from Phantom
no money in it so he just is not interested anymore ..greed is a terrible affliction . :banghead:

27-12-2015, 12:06 PM
No mate, I was able to access HS1 ok on patch 138P up to a couple of weeks ago - but NOT on patch 139P - so that's why I raised a thread about this ages ago when I changed from 139P to 138P for other reasons too, like better access to Cccam!
So NOW, yes, I agree that BOTH the HS options aren't connecting and I'm still hopeful of that new patch implied by Phantom a month ago (surely not THAT long ago with Christmas etc?) and assume he would than put this right - IF he can get TM 3rd party to agree to correct it!

27-12-2015, 02:00 PM
I would have thought a new patch to update BISS keys might be forthcoming. Surely both keys and HSs is merely a matter of minutes for Phantom and would increase his street cred hugely.

27-12-2015, 05:18 PM
I would have thought a new patch to update BISS keys might be forthcoming. Surely both keys and HSs is merely a matter of minutes for Phantom and would increase his street cred hugely.

Maybe so mate, but do you realise just how many lines we already have of Biss keys - just ask mdt!! lol!!

01-01-2016, 03:08 PM
So is it the case that hard station 1 & 2 are now gone for good because one person who apparently provides the software has decided to discontinue it

01-01-2016, 08:58 PM
Think you'll find that NOBODY ever requested that TM provide HS1 & 2 in first place mate, so as its a third party provider WHO KNOWS if TM will provide a new patch for something which is basically a 'bonus' and was NEVER a 'must have' lol!!

02-01-2016, 12:22 AM
I would have thought a new patch to update BISS keys might be forthcoming. Surely both keys and HSs is merely a matter of minutes for Phantom and would increase his street cred hugely.
What is it you want updating regarding BISS keys? There is room for 100 BISS keys which most are for feeds once the feed is dead just delete the BISS key and it leaves you room for more.

04-01-2016, 02:49 PM
Is HS1 and HS2 out of action on all satellite receivers or only on technomate

05-01-2016, 01:45 AM
Hadn't realised HS1 & 2 were farmed out to any other than TM receivers mate!
So if true, there's your answer!