View Full Version : tv" source" problem

10-01-2016, 04:03 PM
i have a few things connected to tv through hdmi ports ( amazon fire tv , dvd player etc ) , when i turn say the amazon fire tv on using its remote control , should the tv automatically switch to the amazon fire tv ? as im having to press "source " button on tv remote , and select the HDMI port that the fire tv is connected to . Is there something i can change in the settings to make it play automatically ? thanks

10-01-2016, 04:07 PM
you may be able to use some sort of HDMI control in the tv settings to automatically switch to a "source" when that input is fired up, so check the tv settings menu for some sort of hdmi control option

otherwise its use the input source selector like you are doing now, which is what I tend to use anyway

11-01-2016, 11:45 AM
It could be that one of your other connected devices is holding its port on. Have you tried unplugging or switching off the other devices, and seeing if your TV then automatically switches to your amazon Fire.

11-01-2016, 02:49 PM
The only hdmi source that auto switches on my setup is my Panasonic PVR/Blue-Ray player but that maybe due to the hdmi port the player is plugged into everything else has to be manually selected, I think the hdmi spec did not have auto switching originally.

11-01-2016, 09:58 PM
The HDMI – CEC standing for Consumer Electronics Control. It is carried on pin 13 in a HDMI cable, and provides the same autoswitching function as pin 8 in a Scart cable
Unfortunately this feature is implemented slightly differently from manufacturer to manufacturer, so becomes a suck it and see facility . The only way to ensure success is to use the same make of device at both ends.!

11-01-2016, 10:15 PM
Agreed, auto switching it only seems to works with devices from the same manufacturer, or a few other random ones.

12-01-2016, 12:44 AM
I have a Samsung Smart TV. A Panasonic Combi will auto switch using a
Scart lead most of the time. A 2nd Panasonic Recorder/ DVD player would
auto switch on HDMI, but...it converted the DVD player remote to work
the TV so risky when recording so disabled the switch in the menu. Most
of the earlier units have a 12v switching lead.

You can't auto switch USB as far as I'm aware, like a fire stick. If I plug
a USB stick into TV when it's switched on a menu will appear to use. If
it's already plugged in when I turn the TV on I have to use the select menu.

I miss an earlier TV which had 4 AV buttons instead of a menu select.

Regards catoro.

12-01-2016, 12:58 AM
A Firestick is not a USB stick. It's HDMI.

13-01-2016, 06:59 PM
A Firestick is not a USB stick. It's HDMI.

Thanks for the correction Satcat, my apologies for not checking.

One way round the problem may be to use a HDMI switcher box
with a remote.

In the early days I made a boxed multi wafer switch as I had a lot of
equipment & not enough inputs. It had to be used manually though
with a rotary knob. It also switched for tape to tape. Then went on to
an auto switch with Scart, all scrapped now. !!

Regards catoro.