View Full Version : Spiderbox/darkmotor problem

13-01-2016, 04:20 PM
My friend has a HD9000 and a darkmotor. For some reason his motor had moved to its East limit and stopped. I tried to move in back West through the stb with no response. So I got up to the dish and pressing the buttons on the motor it worked ok. I then tried to reset the motor by pressing and holding down the 2 buttons while my friend disconnected the coax at the stb end and then reconnected it. I continued to hold down both button for a further 10secs, but the motor still wont move via the stb. Any thoughts of what else I could try? or what the problem may be?

mike p
13-01-2016, 05:37 PM
Hi Satcat,

Similar happened to me sometime ago although it was a different motor model. In my case it turned out to be the longitude/Latitude settings had got messed up somehow and once I corrected those settings it fixed my issue. Also under motor setup have a look in the Command setting in case something is a miss. Hope this maybe of some help.


13-01-2016, 06:37 PM
Thanks Mike, but as I said the spiderbox just wont move the dish in either direction although there is power at the motor.
I have an old HD9000. The picture went "funny" a while ago, but it moved my dish ok, so I think I'll dig it out and see if it moves his dish.

27-01-2016, 07:16 PM
Update: I finally got round to trying my hd9000 on my mates' dish. It wouldn't move it, so it looks like it's the motor that's the problem
What I found strange was that when I left him the last time I left the dish on 13E and switched the motor setting on the stb to OFF, but when I got there today it had moved to it's east limit again. How could it do that?

28-01-2016, 11:05 AM
Did you try connecting a new cable from the Stb to the Motor? this would eliminate any possibility
of a short or possible water ingress, causing problems.

regards mobley2.

29-01-2016, 05:23 PM
Did you try connecting a new cable from the Stb to the Motor? this would eliminate any possibility
of a short or possible water ingress, causing problems.

regards mobley2.
I did check the connectors at both ends, which seemed ok. But I take your point and will try and get hold of another length of coax.