View Full Version : oscam issues specifically for powervu

13-01-2016, 10:46 AM
im using a Vu solo 2 box with open vix do i just download the patched open pli patched oscam then insert the soft cam here ....etc/tux box/config/oscam

13-01-2016, 11:13 AM
download oscam from plugin feed and just replace with the patched one..And keys yes go where you said bud.

Can you get 4W? As this is the easiest to open...stream relay must be "OFF" for 4W

13-01-2016, 04:31 PM
download oscam from plugin feed and just replace with the patched one..And keys yes go where you said bud.

Can you get 4W? As this is the easiest to open...stream relay must be "OFF" for 4W

my line of site is 42 East to 45 West and using Catseyes channel list, bit confused on stream relay should be off

13-01-2016, 04:49 PM
when running oscam go to the webif of oscam..

Webif -> Config -> Stream Relay -> Mode
0 - disabled

So in your oscam.conf you will see your port..so enter in browser your box ip and :PORT

For example 192.444.222.1-192.444.222.255

192.444.222.1:8080 <<This being your port on the end

13-01-2016, 05:19 PM
I go into Webif > configuration, but I don't see Stream relay. Am I looking in the wrong place?

13-01-2016, 05:30 PM
this is what it says in my oscam config file DOOds is this correct config file

# main configuration

nice = -1
WaitForCards = 1

# logging

logfile = /var/log/oscam/oscam.log
usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw

# monitor

port = 988
aulow = 120
monlevel = 1

# web interface

httpport = 8888
httpuser = myusername
httppwd = mypassword

# anti-cascading

enabled = 1
numusers = 1
sampletime = 2
samples = 5
penalty = 1
aclogfile = /var/log/oscam/aclog.log
denysamples = 9

# protocols

key = 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D
port = 10000@0100:FFFFFF;10001@0200:FFF0 00,FFFF00;10002@0300:FFFFFF

port = 20000
user = user1
allowed =

port = 30000@0100:FFFFFF;30001@0200:FFF0 00,FFFF00;30002@0300:FFFFFF

port = 40000
version = 1.2.3
build = 1234
reshare = 2

hostname = host.example.com
port = 50000
password = password1

device = user2@/dev/ttyS0?delay=1&timeout=300

enabled = 1
user = user1
socket = /tmp/camd.socket
## Tigretunisie
## www.swtools.biz
## http://www.stbsw.com/sat/oscam/
## http://www.stbsw.com/sat/keys/
## www.jachouf.com
## www.truman-support.com/vb/
## www.stbsw.com
## www.technical-features.com/vb/
## By Tigretunisie

13-01-2016, 07:07 PM
try this version of oscam satcat..it appears on this version..i found other versions its missing...

13-01-2016, 07:09 PM
i used the PLI 4.0 but there's no config file in that rar file Doods.

13-01-2016, 07:10 PM
Try this conf starfox..replacing your ip range and change port

disablelog = 1
logfile = /dev/tty
preferlocalcards = 1


port = 99999

stream_relay_enabled = 0

enabled = 1
au = 1
pmt_mode = 6
delayer = 60
user = dvbapiau
boxtype = dreambox

httpport = 6666
httpallowed = ***.***.*.*-***.***.*.*

13-01-2016, 07:11 PM
more often than not the oscam downloads only contain the patched oscam, not the configs, perhaps that is why ?

it actually says the word emu in the title of each file, so its clearly just the emu , ie:- only oscam

13-01-2016, 07:13 PM
there wont be starfox...it's just the bin file..If you installed the normal oscam from pli feeds and then just replaced the bin file..the configs should be there already..just edit it.

13-01-2016, 07:34 PM
try this version of oscam satcat..it appears on this version..i found other versions its missing...

Excuse my ignorance Doods, but do I just overwrite my Oscam file in usr/softcam with this one?

13-01-2016, 07:37 PM
nah its a bin file satcat matey so overwrite bin in usr/bin

Then you need softcam.keys in etc/tuxbox/config/oscam

13-01-2016, 07:41 PM
depends which image is used as to where the bin file resides

BH USES usr/bin



OPENVIX USES usr/softcams

others may possibly have a different folder, but its not usr/softcam

but yes, overwrite the existing bin file with the new file (patched file)

then chmod the file to 755 from 644, then restart E2

13-01-2016, 07:52 PM
Try this conf starfox..replacing your ip range and change port

disablelog = 1
logfile = /dev/tty
preferlocalcards = 1


port = 99999

stream_relay_enabled = 0

enabled = 1
au = 1
pmt_mode = 6
delayer = 60
user = dvbapiau
boxtype = dreambox

httpport = 6666
httpallowed = ***.***.*.*-***.***.*.*

may be im doing this bit wrong ( httpallowed ) is this the ip of my VU solo boxs network as in 192.168.0.*

13-01-2016, 07:58 PM
may be im doing this bit wrong ( httpallowed ) is this the ip of my VU solo boxs network as in 192.168.0.*

depends on the router and ip addressing, as they can and do use different ip ranges

for yours , its

13-01-2016, 08:08 PM
Thanks dOOds, but I'm still not clear where to put this "oscam" file. I'm on openvix. If I put it in usr/softcam it overwrites my oscam softcam file that is there, but you say not to do that. Also you call it a "bin file" but it's named "oscam" I'm very confused. (which isn't hard to do.:confused: )

13-01-2016, 08:11 PM
its a bin file , a binary file

I have given you locations for where your current oscam file will be, vix uses usr/softcams

I would think doods assumed you were using one of the other three images (which use usr/bin for bin files like cccam and mgcamd and oscam), which is why with the vu its important for people to state which image they are using

you also said usr/softcam , whereas it actually has an s on the end , so usr/softcams

so ftp it over, overwrite the one in there (or do what I do and rename the existing as oscamOLD and then ftp the patched oscam over instead)

make sure the new file has the exact same name as the old file, renaming it if necessary

it may not say oscam , but may say oscam-latest or something similar

then chmod (change attributes) the new oscam file to 755 and then restart e2

13-01-2016, 08:13 PM
depends on the router and ip addressing, as they can and do use different ip ranges

for yours , its

im sure ive done every thing correctly , still not working for me i dought im not has Tech savvy has you ***s i appreciate you both helping .

13-01-2016, 08:15 PM
Thanks dOOds, but I'm still not clear where to put this "oscam" file. I'm on openvix. If I put it in usr/softcam it overwrites my oscam softcam file that is there, but you say not to do that. Also you call it a "bin file" but it's named "oscam" I'm very confused. (which isn't hard to do.:confused: )

ive got same problem

13-01-2016, 08:18 PM
which I have now explained twice

check the path I mention for openvix, its not the same as the other images

and make sure you chmod the new file to 755

and restart enigma2 when completed

13-01-2016, 08:27 PM
ok is the port number very important

13-01-2016, 09:21 PM
the port number and box ip will allow u to access oscam webif and turn off stream relay..

13-01-2016, 09:40 PM
the port number can be changed so different people may use a different port number

as doods says, to access the webif you use the ip address and port number in your browser address bar

this is all standard oscam practice, nothing to do with powervu

13-01-2016, 11:59 PM
Done as told, but I Still can't see stream relay in webif.

14-01-2016, 02:36 PM
Does one of the mentioned Oscam EMU-versions also work with VU+ VTi?

14-01-2016, 02:44 PM
Done as told, but I Still can't see stream relay in webif.

connect to oscam webif...then config (Top Left) then after that look far right in smaller writing under Restart should be stream relay..Click that and then its the first entry to turn it off..

14-01-2016, 02:45 PM
Does one of the mentioned Oscam EMU-versions also work with VU+ VTi?

Not the pli one bud...lol

14-01-2016, 03:58 PM
Doods. When I overwrite my oscam file with the one you posted (oscam_1.20-rev-11198-oe2.0-emu.rar), and restart my box, in webif it still shows my original oscam file which is oscam ymod1856.
So I must be doing something wrong.
As I mentioned before, I'm on VIX.

This is what I see in webif:

OSCAM ymod1856 build #0

Global Loadbalancer Camd3.3 Camd3.5 Camd3.5 TCP Newcamd Radegast Cccam Anticascading Monitor Serial DVB-Api

14-01-2016, 05:50 PM
you will still see that version until you edit in /etc/init.d/softcam.oscam (then edit version number)

You have just ovwe writted the bin file..nothing else will change from before.

14-01-2016, 05:58 PM
oscam Y mod is completely different and installs itself in etc/tuxbox

1)Download normal oscam from your image feed
2)Over write with one of the binary/bin files provided
3)setup your oscam.conf (Ip address range and port)
4)put softcam.key in etc/tuxbox/config/oscam
5)Start oscam
6)now type box ip plus the port from oscam.conf in your browser as so....
7)now you should have oscam webif..click config/stream relay/Mode (disable to use direct dvbapi decryption) 0 - disabled use DVBAPI
8)move to 4W and test it out...


14-01-2016, 07:28 PM
Sat keep trying matey..I had to ponder a while before i found stream relay too but once i did everything else fell in to place
Some versions of the emu seem to have it missing...


14-01-2016, 07:41 PM
as doods has said, its not oscam ymod we are talking about here, its an ordinary oscam installation, where the bin file is replaced and possibly changes made to configs and the webif commands

as I said earlier, all these issues appear to be lack of knowledge about oscam, whereas this thread is really about powervu

I think I will split it so that the oscam issues are in a separate thread

its also appears that there has to be demarcation on the image installed in the box, so can be pointless talking about it if the person using it like doodz uses openpli and others are using openvix or openatv or openvti or blackhole

people have to bear in mind the type of image installed AND the type of oscam installed as well, plus the actual location of the oscam bin file as it varies as I said in an earlier post on page 1

the default is openpli 4 image using a standard oscam installation where the bin file resides in usr/bin

not openvix using oscam_ymod

nb:- I have closed the powervu chat thread for now to prevent any oscam issues being posted in it

14-01-2016, 07:54 PM
These files loaded with oscam ymod. When I delete oscam ymod do I leave there files? they are in etc/tuxbox/config

14-01-2016, 08:05 PM
no bud,leave oscam y mod completely alone..there should be another folder labelled /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam

oscam y mod should be in /etc/tuxbox/config

In openpli..

14-01-2016, 08:09 PM
Tomorrow for any openpli user i will create a very nice working backup for solo2 if anyones interested..


14-01-2016, 08:13 PM
In openvix my oscam ymod is in usr/softcams. I put it is tmp first then installed it via "install local extensions" and it ended up in usr/softcams.
All my oscam files ended up in etc/tuxbox/config.

14-01-2016, 08:16 PM
I would say its either start again , so no oscam bin file in usr/bin and no files in var/etc/tuxbox/config either

then do a full oscam install that installs both the bin file, the camscript (if its required) and the files in config


you amend everything to suit

as you are learning, I would delete the oscam bin file (after backing it up to pc) and same for the config files (again after backing them up) and then a clean sheet full install of the full emu, using a standard emu (not ymod)

then ftp the powervu oscam bin file to usr/bin for openpli or usr/softcams for vix and chmod it to 755, ensuring its the same name as the old oscam name used

then amend the oscam config files by ftp them to the laptop, amend with notepad plus and then ftp them back to var/etc/tuxbox/config

also note that I have already stated that the paths are not the same in openvix , nor are they the same for oscam-ymod

doodz is basing his comments on it working using openpli , not vix , not bh , not anything else

14-01-2016, 11:05 PM
Hi there having trouble with this what file do i overwrite with what i have downloaded from here 64704

i am using a VU solo2 with blackhole 2.1.6

Thanks in advance

14-01-2016, 11:19 PM
you would overwrite the bin file in var/bin using an e2 patched oscam (for powervu)

those files shown in your pic are config files and need editing with notepad plus on your laptop and ftp back to the same locations

14-01-2016, 11:28 PM
Just to be absolutely clear this is the file i over write of delete and replace with file downloaded from here 64705

Thanks again

14-01-2016, 11:40 PM
rename the oscam-1.20_9460 file
(or whatever its called by adding OLD on the end of it)

ftp the oscam file from here (download and unpack) into that bin folder

rename it to exactly match the old file name (similar to what I wrote above) , EXACTLY

chmod 755 that new file (so both are chmod 755 , old and new)

ftp the latest SoftCam.Key file to the oscam config folder and chmod to 755

restart enigma2

make the oscam changes like stream relay etc as detailed in the sticky thread by doodz

test HBO on 4 west

I also tested bulsat on 39e (irdeto2) and the usual channels opened, like nova sport and diema, using the same oscam and settings

02-04-2016, 11:05 PM
Tomorrow for any openpli user i will create a very nice working backup for solo2 if anyones interested..


did you get around to this @d00ds this would be a real help for me :)

03-04-2016, 08:52 AM
solo2 back tomorrow..it developed a fault...will sort about wednesday.

03-04-2016, 11:50 AM
sorry to hear that,,thanks will look forward to

04-04-2016, 08:04 PM
thanks for the back-up....i tested 9e and works but unable to clear anything else.. is there a way to stop the stutter,
also can you have 2 cams running at the same time? ccam and oscam?

04-04-2016, 09:02 PM
only one cam running at a time..you have 3 cams installed for obvious reasons...Please check your softcam is up to date also

Stutter i don't get that..maybe login to your oscam and untick stream relay?? not sure if its ticked under that port..

4W work without stream relay..all the rest stream relay must be on..turn off in oscam webif

04-04-2016, 09:59 PM
really thanks so much for this. im gona have a play about with it @ least i have now seen it working and i got much more of an idea what to do. i need to learn abit more and the best way is to back up and play around with it.


05-04-2016, 10:56 AM
if installed automatic full backup which will backup the whole image for you..save it to usb before you backup and then run...remember to delete the backup folder from usb after you have downloaded it or ur receiver will most likely want to flash again..

keep trying mate...i once knew nothing but after a lot of reading id like to think i know a lot more.

13-10-2018, 06:36 PM
I know this is an old thread.
I never did managed to get any powervu channel to open, but after a lot of reading I decided to have another go.
I Have tried both oscam ymod and oscam emu, using solo2 and openvix image, with latest oscam keys, but still no success.
Can someone tell me what channels definitely open so I can concentrate on those.

13-10-2018, 07:43 PM
thats why i changed image, on my ultimo nothing worked,

14-10-2018, 02:11 PM
OK> Managed to get the Discovers channels on 4.8E and 0.8W working with oscam emu. Not with oscam ymod.
Nothing doing on the AFN channels.