View Full Version : IKS v MScam

12-02-2016, 01:07 PM
I have a SB6000 with renewal of IKS coming up next month. Considering getting HB9000 iwith one years MScam instead, but concerned about reports that MScam inferior to IKS. Any advice from people with the HB9000 appreciated.

Thanks Thom

12-02-2016, 01:44 PM
To clarify, by inferior I mean less reliable. As I understand it they both open the same channels. The IPTV aspects are less important to me.

12-02-2016, 02:05 PM
To clarify, by inferior I mean less reliable. As I understand it they both open the same channels. The IPTV aspects are less important to me.
mscam is also available on the sbox 6000hd but lately quite stable but who knows nothing is certain in the sat world

12-02-2016, 03:25 PM
I am running both at the moment ,(one for the misses) I'm afraid that at this point 1K$ is far superior in the number of channels and stability and channel clearing speed.

I wish it wasn't like this as the spider is a good box but the new server crawls, on a good day.

12-02-2016, 04:07 PM
Mscam has almost same channels as IKS. Maybe there are some small differences.
For Spiderbox HD6000, menu - osd menu - instant delay level --> 1 (or try 2sec.)Press yellow button while you are watching channel (only in nds $ channels) .
For Hitechbox instant delay is included in sw and you do not have to do anything. Users can confirm stability using latest sw 2.1.13

12-02-2016, 10:48 PM
Dunno about IKS, but Mscam is working much better than I was expecting, from recent posts. In fact I set someone's Spider 6000 up when they first came out, and this is much better than that was in the beginning.

13-02-2016, 02:03 AM
I wish I could my second MSCAM spider 6000 box was working as good as yours, mines stuck in the mud, the IK$ box is flying.

13-02-2016, 04:27 AM
Thanks for the responses, but can I make things a little clearer. I am not interested in how MScam is working on SB6000. I am only interested in how it is working on HB9000 compared to IKS on SB6000 which is why I am asking in this section.

13-02-2016, 08:44 AM
Thanks for the responses, but can I make things a little clearer. I am not interested in how MScam is working on SB6000. I am only interested in how it is working on HB9000 compared to IKS on SB6000 which is why I am asking in this section.it is what it is same on both boxes

13-02-2016, 07:25 PM
mscam not working to well on hitech hb9000 keeps freezing find iks much better.

13-02-2016, 07:28 PM
mscam not working to well on hitech hb9000 keeps freezing find iks much better.

This report is based using latest sw 2.1.13 ?
We fixed delay in this sw.

14-02-2016, 02:28 AM
As I thought, mscam seems to behave differently on different receivers based on their software.