View Full Version : Feedback on latest Phantom test patch 0.01P 18/2/16

19-02-2016, 12:37 AM
Hi, see we now have yet another Phantom patch to try out - this time a test version 0.01P - as posted earlier today by powercisco:-

Please therefore provide feedback on this latest patch, thus presumably enabling Phantom to work on a 'pukka' version patch before long!:cool:

19-02-2016, 01:30 AM
Tested on my TM5402 M3 HD and results are very positive
This new patch "test" is very good it has a lot of bugs fixed from previous patches especially from few weeks ago totally resolved
H/STATION Works fine
Blindscan issues resolved after scan is done channels are this time saved and when Exit it does not move to a different satellite
signal level better and more stable than with any other patch i tested
New feature when deleting channels are now highlighted which is a very nice addition
i struggle to find anything wrong with this patch its likely the best Patch so far for TM5402 MK3
indeed DVB-S And DVB-S2 Are now clearly marked on-screen when zapping channels
No issues with Newcamd or CCcam both tested and no issue to report
everything that should work does work but i think URL For H/Station likely wont last long since URL was killed very fast last time
but its very nice to know Phantom and TechnoMate have been buzy and please pass on my feedback if at all possible .

cheers !

19-02-2016, 01:57 PM
Cheers Barney, good to know that it's 'so far so good' on latest patch mate!
Just as a matter of interest I've found that I'm getting two extra digits before the Channel Number, e.g on 28E my first channel is BT Sport 1HD which used to read '01' - but it now reads '0001'!
Everything else working fine so far, but obviously still early days!

08-04-2016, 11:18 AM
So are we to understand that all M3 users are finding latest patch 0.01P is performing well, bearing in mind no comments on this subject since Feb 2016?

08-04-2016, 02:26 PM
Yup, from a reception point of view the patch is performing very well. If you want to nit pick and purely for educational purposes, HS only works on the first page for me. Later pages show thumbnails but they don't load when you click on them. No real biggy that.

08-04-2016, 09:47 PM
Cheers mate, but are you SURE you are on patch 0.01P because just tried pages 1, 2 and 3 and ALL loading fine!
Must admit rarely 'use' HS but ok on my set up!

09-04-2016, 12:29 PM
Definitely on 0.01p but just to be sure I reloaded it and HS has disappeared. Is there a code to toggle it on/off? I don't use it as such - no time - but check to see if it's working periodically as with the other features on the receiver. I reloaded the patch using the following procedure:-
1. Save channel list;
2. Factory Reset;
3. Load patch over LAN;
4. Factory Reset;
5. Reload channel list;
6. 2004.

Have I done something really stupid? I wouldn't put it past me!

10-04-2016, 02:59 AM
Menu>System Information
press 1149 to disable HS
press 1149 again to Enable HS

its a 3rd party Addon ...therefor not guaranteed to work !

10-04-2016, 11:23 AM
Thanks, found it. It worked as it should when I checked yesterday but today it's back to not loading pages beyond the first one. Is this a bug, a problem with my machine or should it be turned off regularly using 1149 to reset it? Not relly bothered about it's failure to work properly, just curious and it does give us something to discuss.:Angel_anim:

11-04-2016, 11:27 AM
My M3 is still on patch 0.01P, just tried HS pages 1,2,3,4 then 8 and all opening fine Badger, only difference between you and me is that I use USB loader method as don't really trust one direct from TM Online! That's only MY 'reservation' though mate as I'm sure plenty of other users find it fine! Also don't quite know why you pressed 2004, which is normally to switch patch off & on again - as I would have thought that once patch downloaded on to M3 it's there anyway?

11-04-2016, 12:22 PM
Hi Holmroad thanks for your response. I was just making sure the toggles worked as they should. I don't upload anything to my box directly from the internet. Using STBDaemon the M3 communicates with my desktop via my LAN. Saves an awful lot of faffing about. Situation with HS seems to be resolved by toggling it using 1149. I just like things to work. Bit of an anorak that way.:D

11-04-2016, 08:04 PM
Wow, sounds very complicated to ME mate, I only knew of the USB, Darkman Loader prog and TM Menu option (internet) for loading latest patch!
I would still never contemplate using 1149 though, except of course for the first time after loading a new patch!

12-04-2016, 12:10 PM
It's all pretty straight forward actually once you have a home LAN set up. I'm using "PowerLine" technology (HomePlugs) to give me ethernet connectivity for my BT HH4, desktop, network printer, solar power inverter, **** boxes, TVs and last but by no means least the M3. I download all the M3 associated files to a dedicated folder on my desktop and run STBDaemon so the the M3 can "see" the folder on the desktop. On the M3 you just go into Settings -> IP Settings and press the blue key for Firmware Update. This gives you a list of files and you just click on the one you want. The M3 then does the rest. Simples!

12-04-2016, 07:44 PM
Wow, sounds great mate, just haven't heard of any other people using your 'method' - but then I've never professed to be particularly pc literate!! lol!!

13-04-2016, 11:18 PM
i've just got my box yesterday and so far so good using this patch although hs only loads the first page and 1 thumbnail off page 2 other than that it's a big thumbs up for me.

14-04-2016, 11:42 AM
Very odd that some of us (i.e. ME!!) seem to be getting HS perfectly normally and others not on latest M3 patch 0.01P!!

14-04-2016, 02:00 PM
Mine seems to behave properly as long as I toggle it off using 1149 before turning the box off. Of course you then have to toggle it back on when you next wish to use it. No big deal though.

14-04-2016, 08:03 PM
mines working ok now,Think I was doing it wrong

14-04-2016, 09:44 PM
So seems its actually still only The Badger having issues with HS?

15-04-2016, 11:12 AM
Must be i just checked it and HS works fine
11 vids on page 1
12 vids on page 2
10 vids on page 3 etc.etc..

TM5402 M3 HD CI Super
all work fine S/W Version : 001p ( Feb 18th 2016 )
H/W Version : 1.00
Boot Version: 2.90
CH Version : F021

cheers ! :respect-048:

15-04-2016, 10:59 PM
[QUOTE=Barney;948860]Must be i just checked it and HS works fine
11 vids on page 1
12 vids on page 2
10 vids on page 3 etc.etc..

TM5402 M3 HD CI Super
all work fine S/W Version : 001p ( Feb 18th 2016 )
H/W Version : 1.00
Boot Version: 2.90
CH Version : F021

cheers ! :respect

Cheers Barney, exactly what I too reported above mate!!
So seems like its only The Badger having issues?:respect-055:

24-04-2016, 12:21 PM
Maybe it's my internet connection. Seemed to be fine a week ago last Friday when I went to Cornwall for the week but this morning it won't load anything beyond page three. I'm not harking back to the glory days of the Sun there either m8s.:king-041:

24-04-2016, 11:45 PM
Page 4 and beyond works just fine for me !

24-04-2016, 11:47 PM
Page 4 and beyond works just fine for me !


21-05-2016, 12:17 PM
It has been suggested elsewhere that there 'may' be a new TM5402HD M3 patch soon, but its also very interesting that we have had very few reports about any issues with 0.01P in this thread?
So please submit any issues you have but not yet reported asap as it MAY yet be in time for this next patch as and when it actually happens!

21-05-2016, 02:25 PM
Not sure 001p has any issues
fair play @ Phantom credit where its due the Feb 18th patch 2016 [ 001p ] seems to be glitch free
only thing i found is while blind scanning database fills up with dead TP's but this issue was already raised and i dont think there is a soloution .
cheers !

22-05-2016, 11:25 AM
Yes mate, I agree, yet was given impression on another forum that another M3 patch may be imminent, so only time will tell!! lol!!

27-05-2016, 10:15 PM
Looks like many other Technomate boxes getting new patches now ....but TM5402 M3 is still left behind and ignored again ??
i wonder why that is since support for many other Technomate branded boxes are getting quite a lot more updates and patches
but NOT TM5402 M3 ??? :banghead: :banghead:

27-05-2016, 11:37 PM
You may be correct Barney, but maybe Phantom has effectively been testing the latest patch on the other models, prior to releasing it for the M3?
February isn't THAT long ago surely anyway mate, especially when 0.01P has been pretty good as you say!

28-05-2016, 06:58 PM
nearly 4 months ago ..lol's !!
nothing wrong with 0.01P but still not really an excuse to support other boxes but leave the M3 behind ??
i understand support ended long ago for M1/M2 but still i would have thought the M3 may have still gotten some sort of patch since some other models did already : )

guess i was wrong ...:confused:

28-05-2016, 11:50 PM
nearly 4 months ago ..lol's !!
nothing wrong with 0.01P but still not really an excuse to support other boxes but leave the M3 behind ??
i understand support ended long ago for M1/M2 but still i would have thought the M3 may have still gotten some sort of patch since some other models did already : )

guess i was wrong ...:confused:

Well maybe MY interpretation of what's been going on is that the 'other' boxes to which you refer suggests that maybe many of the mods recently made to the other boxes are already working fine on the M3, so 'if it ain't broke'?
A new M3 patch IS however suspected to be imminent anyway mate!

29-05-2016, 01:05 AM
hopefully your right ..we shall wait n' see : ))

29-05-2016, 12:03 PM
Who knows with the Phantom and his merry men mate, but as you say, only time will tell!! lol!!

13-06-2016, 06:56 PM
NEW TM5402 M3 HD Patch posted Here => https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?172552-Phantompatch-TM-5402-M3-139p-12-10-2015&p=951307#post951307

if anyone knows what is new/different with this patch please post here ..
cheers !

13-06-2016, 11:38 PM
Already queried it with Phantom mate, find it bizarre they issue a 'new' patch dated 3/5/16 TODAY the 13th June - and with no info whatsoever!!! lol!!

My advice, is 'try it at your own risk' - until we get an inkling from the Phantom!!