View Full Version : HB9000 Bug - Juddering/ slow mo Picture

19-02-2016, 09:42 PM
Evening All

still playing around with this new receiver. Very impressed with the satellite aspect of the box so far. Seems by far superior to my sb9900 in terms of picture, menu, ease of use but mostly the sensitivity of the tuner. Seeing one or two more channels coming through that weren't before.

One bug that I am noticing which is quite annoying and hope will be fixed if there isn't one already:

sometimes when selecting a random HD channel, once the picture comes on, it sometimes judders or almost seems like it's in slow motion for the duration that you are on that particular channel. Maybe the frame rate isn't quite right or something. it's quite random and doesn't always happen. I'm noticing it only on HD channels whether they are FTA or encrypted and like I said doesn't happen all of the time, probably 50/50.

I can fix it by changing the channel then putting it back on to original channel that was juddering, problem solved. However really frustrating having to do this. Definitely never had this problem with my Panasonic 55" full hd tv before and any other receiver including, SB9900, SB6000, Technomates, Official Sly and Virmin receivers.

Anyone else experiencing the same thing?? I have adjusted the various AV settings to no avail. hope a fix can be found soon. Only thing that's letting this stb down at the mo.

thanks in advance, Gman

19-02-2016, 09:51 PM
Yes, I've noticed that as well. Like you say, it is easily fixed, but you shouldn't really need to.

19-02-2016, 10:02 PM
Have not noticed this on my HB9000 but some years ago had the same problem on a Digitalalb GDS7000 but unfortunately didn't find the cause.

19-02-2016, 10:06 PM
Have not noticed this on my HB9000 but some years ago had the same problem on a Digitalalb GDS7000 but unfortunately didn't find the cause.

hopefully a cause and a cure will be found for the HB9000. think it would be a great shame for this great little receiver if not.

20-02-2016, 01:22 PM
I have had similar problem as well. Regards