View Full Version : Hitechbox HB9000 Operator portals problem

26-02-2016, 06:56 PM
Originally flashed my box with the 26 January file and all appeared to be OK. Clicking on Operator portals brought up something but ignored it at that time - too much else to investigate.

After 4 Feb update I tried all 4 portals but progress indicator went to 6% and message came up saying either Login fail or Invalid.

Have installed 25 Feb update and everything again appears to be fine excepting for the portals.

Via the IPTV portals tile I can scroll down and select any of 4 operator portals but selecting any of them (OK key) progress indicator goes to 100% and Invalid message appears.

Selecting the Mag tile the progress indicator goes to 85% and a login screen appears. The Extreme, Ful lIPTV and All IPTV tiles again go to 100% with Invalid message.

Any ideas?

26-02-2016, 10:21 PM
The Portal numbers 1 to 4 are for entering your own found sites.

26-02-2016, 11:23 PM
The Portal numbers 1 to 4 are for entering your own found sites.

The OP should have known that had he read the info given here ref Setup Procedure:


27-02-2016, 12:28 PM
Tano and Aldo:

Sorry that I didn't make it clear. I am not referring to the user portals 1,2,3 and 4 but the line below called Operational portals where you can scroll left or right My understanding of the instructions is that when you select one of these portals it opens a server allowing you to "use" the corresponding tile Mag--All.

Studying the picture in the instructions more closely I see that he is selecting Operational portal 2 which is called "Xtream code panel" which then corresponds to the tile of the same name.

My 4 operational portals are called YoTV portal, Color TV portal, King IPTV portal and XIPTV portal. My corresponding tiles are as per the picture Mag--All.

Could the problem be that my box is trying to open the wrong servers? If so, where do I go from here?


27-02-2016, 01:06 PM
The 4 Operater Portals you mention are not working ATM, i'm sure blackdevil is aware of it, they have been working in the past

27-02-2016, 01:24 PM
Thanks jb.
Are my 4 operator portals YoTV -- XIPTV the correct ones or should they be the same name as the tiles Mag -- All ?

27-02-2016, 04:16 PM
I think we need to wait to see what blackdevil updates first, ATM I get 'Invalid' for the 4 Operator Portals, and the 4 bottom tile Portals on the page 2 Menu.

27-02-2016, 09:24 PM
We will add in one of next sw coming.
The correct portals you must see are : Mag,Extreme,All IPTV,Full IPTV

17-03-2016, 08:58 PM
Have now updated to 11 March firmware and I still have the 4 Operational portals as YoTV, ColorTv. KingIPTV and XIPTV, not those stated by blackdevil in post 8.
The tiles on the main menu screen have the correct names but everything comes up "Invalid" when selected.

Also when selecting the VOD tile I get 5 tabs across the top each labelled "All" with a list of 878 items below the centre one. Is this correct? Blackdevil mentions VOD sources 1 and 2 in the VOD thread but I don't see these.

Also, tried doing the 11 March update with HTTP several times but the progress indicator stayed at 0% and after a short period the box either rebooted or went back to main menu with no update taking place. Carried out update via USB.

Could the above problems be due to an earlier update not working correctly? Is it safe to go back and install each update from January 22 patch onwards?

Any clues would be much appreciated.

17-03-2016, 09:18 PM
You are not missing anything, its the same for everyone its not all fully working yet, give blackdevil some time, plenty else to watch.

17-03-2016, 09:43 PM
Have now updated to 11 March firmware and I still have the 4 Operational portals as YoTV, ColorTv. KingIPTV and XIPTV, not those stated by blackdevil in post 8.

This is not correct.
Try this procedure with latest patch.
Scan a new fresh channel list.

Also when selecting the VOD tile I get 5 tabs across the top each labelled "All" with a list of 878 items below the centre one. Is this correct? Blackdevil mentions VOD sources 1 and 2 in the VOD thread but I don't see these.

When i talked about sources, i meant our sources.You will see 'All'' ,it is correct.

17-03-2016, 10:03 PM
jbvid - did not know that the portals were not working but my concern is that they are not the correct ones. thanks for the info.

blackdevil - am pleased that the VOD is correct. Thanks for your suggestion re the portals. Will try this and let you know what happens.

19-03-2016, 08:41 PM
blackdevil - many thanks for your advice. The recovery procedure has fixed the problem.

23-03-2016, 03:33 PM
aliespres I bought it After a month bonus iptvclosed portal closed you tuba closed why closed?

23-03-2016, 03:41 PM
aliespres I bought it After a month bonus iptvclosed portal closed you tuba closed why closed?
You cannot be connected to the internet?
Restart your Router and HB9000.