View Full Version : HB9000 is now here and im so sattisfied

02-03-2016, 12:38 PM
After 2 weeks holidays i got back and now i have the HB9000 Here.
At first i thought it was a jocke seeing only the pakage as it was.

Open up the box, added lats patch from Blackdevil, scaned my satellites, added the MScam, so far so good.
The over to IPTV, and here was i in for a surprize, about 1000 IPTV free channels :-) money well spent.

Then i added my own IPTV on one of the Portals, and surely worked as is discribed. Now i have replace my MAG250 with this HitechBox as it does the same work as MAG but even beter i have both Satellite and IPTV.

Tested VOD and here most of the titløes was working.

One thing that i managed to find as problematic was the problem with the emty portals freezing my box, if i try one of the portals then i get to 5% and the box just freezes few seconds.

All in all a cracking little box.