View Full Version : getting pop up on screen every 30 secs saying attention !!!!

09-03-2016, 01:40 PM
i have recently just bought a new hi tech box with the mscam and have also added an iks code for 12 months too .
i was recomended from a friend as he said better than spider 6000.
had the box tuned in yesterday to all the sats etc but every 30- seconds or so a POP UP appears on the screen in light blue saying ' ATTENTION Your code expires 10 3 2017 '
neither myself or the professional sat intaller knew what this was or how to deactivate this pop up ,asked my friend that also has a high tech box but he said he knew nothing of this as his box never had this problem ,he suggested i did a reboot on the hi tech box ( THIS DID NOT RESOLVE ANYTHING )
he suggested i also rebooted the router to see if it was a router/internet problem ( THIS DID NOTHING )
i was thinking of calling the person from where i purchased the box in the first place but i thought that i would ask on here to see if anybody knew or had ideas what i could do to try and stop this pop up keep appearing as trying to watch anything is really annoying ,,ive tried it on every satelite and on different channels so its not that either,,
any help would be good
ive tried to look up on the manaul but cant find anything and tried to find the answer on the internet but decided this was my only hope ,,

09-03-2016, 01:52 PM
try turning these "gifts" off one by one until the popup disappears, then you would know which is causing it and as the box has been patched its nothing to do with the seller either, this is also why the manual wont help you too

also check the time and date is set correctly as I would expect something like this near an expiry date, like getting a road tax reminder or insurance reminder for my car

I suspect its your IKS myself, so turn that one off first

09-03-2016, 02:03 PM
try turning these "gifts" off one by one until the popup disappears, then you would know which is causing it and as the box has been patched its nothing to do with the seller either, this is also why the manual wont help you too

also check the time and date is set correctly as I would expect something like this near an expiry date, like getting a road tax reminder or insurance reminder for my car

I suspect its your IKS myself, so turn that one off first
thank you echelon
I will try your suggestion at 6 pm when I finish work and let you know if this resolves the problem ,,if I turn the iks off will it reload again after

09-03-2016, 02:14 PM
I would assume that it will retain the information for if and when you switch it back to ON instead of OFF

I also believe the same thing would happen with mscam

so I do not believe this info would be "lost"

I know this information is retained on a spiderbox and so cannot see why it would change on a HB , although I cannot and will not guarantee that nothing will happen ;)

09-03-2016, 02:25 PM
Just to add and confirm what I have read, only one service at a time, so may be some conflict if both On.

From a blackdevil post : ""It has Mscamd for 12 months free. If you have IKS code you can use it. One service a time.""

I do get a popup from Mscam at each box startup reminding how many days to expiry.

09-03-2016, 07:41 PM
Just to add and confirm what I have read, only one service at a time, so may be some conflict if both On.

From a blackdevil post : ""It has Mscamd for 12 months free. If you have IKS code you can use it. One service a time.""

I do get a popup from Mscam at each box startup reminding how many days to expiry.
I just deleted the msm cam made no difference pop up still came up
I then deleted the super iks code and same again made no difference still came up
so no codes on but still came up with the annoying pop up
then I reput the super iks code (on its own ) and still comes up with the pop up
spoke to my mate he runs both at same time on his box and he gets NO POP UPS and it opens more so he says and this is contrary to what people had suggested
just wondered if anybody had encountered a similar problem (surely im not the only person to have encountered this problem?) and that they would be able to tell me what I need to do ??/
any suggestions much appreciated

09-03-2016, 08:21 PM
i have recently just bought a new hi tech box with the mscam and have also added an iks code for 12 months too .
i was thinking of calling the person from where i purchased the box in the first place but i thought that i would ask on here to see if anybody knew or had ideas what

Was the mscam installed when purchased or did you or others install it afterwards??????????????

09-03-2016, 08:29 PM
Was the mscam installed when purchased or did you or others install it afterwards??????????????

Should have favored the sponsors site:rolleyes:
I put in the mscam myself yesterday along with a new iks code I purchased from diffrerent site
and wat did u mean by rollin your eyes and quoting' should have favored the sponsors site'
as I did buy from lee

09-03-2016, 08:30 PM
check that it has the latest firmware on the box

09-03-2016, 08:39 PM
I put in the mscam myself yesterday along with a new iks code I purchased from diffrerent site
and wat did u mean by rollin your eyes and quoting' should have favored the sponsors site'
as I did buy from lee

No need to get uppity!

Only trying to help resolve your problem

09-03-2016, 08:42 PM
Did you check you have the correct date/time set, as echelon mentioned earlier?
I know this has caused problems on some receivers, and especially PC's, when running software.

09-03-2016, 08:43 PM
check that it has the latest firmware on the box
thank u echelon I will ask my mate on here later as he got the patch etc

09-03-2016, 08:44 PM
check the date of it , then do an online check in the box menu to see if there is an online update

maybe its not patched properly ? or its using an old patch ?

yours is the first one I have seen displaying this problem , so yes you could be the first to have found a "bug"

so the box is from Lee but the IKS is from the usual alternative site, nothing wrong with that

keep the IKS turned off for now until the fault has been sorted out , concentrating on the patch and mscam only

and make sure the time and date (especially the year) are set correctly too

09-03-2016, 08:52 PM
check the date of it , then do an online check in the box menu to see if there is an online update

maybe its not patched properly ? or its using an old patch ?

yours is the first one I have seen displaying this problem , so yes you could be the first to have found a "bug"

so the box is from Lee but the IKS is from the usual alternative site, nothing wrong with that

keep the IKS turned off for now until the fault has been sorted out , concentrating on the patch and mscam only

and make sure the time and date (especially the year) are set correctly too

thnx echelon,,i will show him this and get him to talk me through wat I need to do,,and of course let u and the site know the outcome

09-03-2016, 09:04 PM
Was the mscam installed when purchased or did you or others install it afterwards??????????????
glad u edited your remarks ,many thnx

09-03-2016, 09:46 PM
check the date of it , then do an online check in the box menu to see if there is an online update

maybe its not patched properly ? or its using an old patch ?

yours is the first one I have seen displaying this problem , so yes you could be the first to have found a "bug"

so the box is from Lee but the IKS is from the usual alternative site, nothing wrong with that

keep the IKS turned off for now until the fault has been sorted out , concentrating on the patch and mscam only

and make sure the time and date (especially the year) are set correctly too
have spoke my friend
said he will talk me through how to repatch the box tomorrow on the phone ,when I have a suitable usb stick to save the current channel list
im presuming it will save all the satellite positions i had scanned in

10-03-2016, 12:30 AM
glad u edited your remarks ,many thnx

Then maybe you should have edited your reply in post#8.

10-03-2016, 09:14 PM
Then maybe you should have edited your reply in post#8.
please do not comment all u do is cause trouble ive heard countless people ask u kindly not to do it ,,take the hint ...luckily most members are very helpful so im telling u kindly no more comments

10-03-2016, 09:15 PM
check the date of it , then do an online check in the box menu to see if there is an online update

maybe its not patched properly ? or its using an old patch ?

yours is the first one I have seen displaying this problem , so yes you could be the first to have found a "bug"

so the box is from Lee but the IKS is from the usual alternative site, nothing wrong with that

keep the IKS turned off for now until the fault has been sorted out , concentrating on the patch and mscam only

and make sure the time and date (especially the year) are set correctly too
hi echelon my friend cant resolve situation until sat ,so as soon as it has been repatched I will let u and the others know the results etc to help others ,,thnx for ur help much appreciated

10-03-2016, 09:42 PM
He Said there is a slight problem in that both he and a friend found problems with the latest patch in that it is very glitchy and having read the forum it is clear others have clearly reported the same ,,so im def in 2 minds to trying this to resolve the problem as it may give a bigger problem ,,and to add that me two friends have both resorted to using an older patch and now it apparantly plays ok and they are def using 2 codes mscam and iks

10-03-2016, 10:48 PM
please do not comment all u do is cause trouble ive heard countless people ask u kindly not to do it ,,take the hint ...luckily most members are very helpful so im telling u kindly no more comments

Thanks, but no Thanks, maybe you would like to name any of those " countless people ", and until such time as you are an Admin or Mod on this forum then you have authority to tell me where or when I can make a post on this forum.

10-03-2016, 11:20 PM
Thanks, but no Thanks, maybe you would like to name any of those " countless people ", and until such time as you are an Admin or Mod on this forum then you have authority to tell me where or when I can make a post on this forum.
Correct but until such time as you are an Admin or Mod on this forum then you have no authority to tell paulupton123 what he should post or amend when he is replying to a post made by another member (before the member decided to change what he originally said)
If the other member did not mean what they said in the original post then they should not have posted it

13-03-2016, 03:47 PM
Correct but until such time as you are an Admin or Mod on this forum then you have no authority to tell paulupton123 what he should post or amend when he is replying to a post made by another member (before the member decided to change what he originally said)
If the other member did not mean what they said in the original post then they should not have posted it
thank you for telling aldo ,,
I would like positive feedback rather than somebody forever stickings his nose in trying to cause trouble all the time
HAVE DECIDED TO WAIT WAIT ON ADVICE UNTIL A TIME WHEN THE NEW PATCH IS AVAIAILLE WITHOUT THE GLITCHES AND PROBLEMS ETC.....I will keep all posted to the results if we can resolve the blue bubble warning,,

13-03-2016, 05:09 PM
The current patch is OK.
I think your problem is that the IKS patch was loaded as well as the pre included MScam patch, and they are conflicting. You get very similar channels with either patch so IKS was not really needed, or at least not both loaded into the box at once, ie having 2 patches installed (Conflicting)
The others who have both working may have installed or set things up differently or have different dated patches installed. I would start with a Current Re-patch / Factory reset and only use your MSCam key, or tell your Guy to try this first.

13-03-2016, 06:12 PM
The current patch is OK.
I think your problem is that the IKS patch was loaded as well as the pre included MScam patch, and they are conflicting. You get very similar channels with either patch so IKS was not really needed, or at least not both loaded into the box at once, ie having 2 patches installed (Conflicting)
The others who have both working may have installed or set things up differently or have different dated patches installed. I would start with a Current RePatch
hi jbvid
thank u for reply
we will reload the patch on Tuesday and let know,,as we want to find out how to save the current channel list as we don't know the procedure different from spider not ssu.??any help on this matter appreciated

13-03-2016, 06:51 PM
USB Stick in, Main menu, To second icon screen, Upgrade and Backup, Backup in USB, Backup Database, use the preset 'database.bin' and press the FAV button on remote to save.

Update : I have now added the above to the Hitech HB9000 Setup guide Sticky.

13-03-2016, 07:06 PM
USB Stick in, Main menu, To second icon screen, Upgrade and Backup, Backup in USB, Backup Database, use the preset 'database.bin' and press the FAV button on remote to save.
thank u jbvid
we will do this on Tuesday and I will let u know exactly how it goes ,,thnx again from paul

14-03-2016, 07:47 PM
Check this thread and follow procedure described on post no.3


It is better use one service only.

14-03-2016, 08:14 PM
HAVE DECIDED TO WAIT WAIT ON ADVICE UNTIL A TIME WHEN THE NEW PATCH IS AVAIAILLE WITHOUT THE GLITCHES AND PROBLEMS ETC.....I will keep all posted to the results if we can resolve the blue bubble warning,,

blackdevil has now posted a new patch in a new thread dated today, so I suggest you use this one (its in the firmware section, top thread)