View Full Version : Vu hard drives

19-03-2016, 06:42 PM
I have a full vu hard drive and want move the files from one drive to another in windows 7.

I have taken the drive out the box and want to move them in windows..

Or is the only way ftp from the box.

I have a 2tb 2.5 usb3 drive i want to move them to.

19-03-2016, 06:55 PM
You can use an ubuntu live dvd and do it that way if your drive has been formatted to ext3 or ext4. That way you can hook your drive up via a usb interface and copy the files over to your windows 7 (ntfs) drive.

19-03-2016, 07:05 PM
the easiest method by far is to access the box over the existing lan connection and ftp the files to your PC or to a NAS using filezilla or using flash fxp , or any similar FTP program

its simple , its quick, and the fact that the hdd is formatted to ext3 or ext4 has no bearing on it, whereas your win7 wont like it at all and will wish to format the hdd which will mean losing all your files, so should be the last resort and only if you do as mrdude says and boot into linux first

19-03-2016, 07:11 PM
Is there a way of finding the capacity of the drives in filezilla i.e if i just want to move half the files

19-03-2016, 07:12 PM
You can also map your VU hdd as a network drive from your windows pc
then simply drag/drop copy/paste using windows explorer
exactly the same as copying something from your c drive to your d drive
the VU hdd will be assigned a drive letter on your pc

19-03-2016, 09:34 PM
Or another way if you don't want to put the drive back in your stb:


It's free - but if you can't be bothered using your own email address to install it - here's the info you can use to save you registering:

PRODUCT KEY: PSG-278-PEE-PL-314774750

I use this sometimes for copying files from my linux partition when I need them in windows and can't be bothered rebooting my laptop into my other os.

20-03-2016, 11:57 AM
Installed the software and keys.

Run programme but does not find drives in the list to mount.

I know they are there because in device manager in says two of them are unformatted

20-03-2016, 03:47 PM
Your not alone.

It doesnt see them here either.

pity, as this would be an extremely useful bit of software.


20-03-2016, 04:35 PM
I cannot believe you went to the trouble of removing the hdd from the vu when all you had to do was leave it where it was , network to it and ftp the files over , talk about making an easy job difficult , lol :)

good info above though, if it had worked , plus dual booting linux like mr-dude would also work

20-03-2016, 04:50 PM
It works fine for me,
Run - Paragon ExtFS for Windows.exe - notice in the right hand corner the drive is green (not yellow)


Drive mounted - explored in windows 10 64 bit:


This is what I have got in the settings:

20-03-2016, 06:05 PM
I cannot believe you went to the trouble of removing the hdd from the vu when all you had to do was leave it where it was , network to it and ftp the files over , talk about making an easy job difficult , lol :)

good info above though, if it had worked , plus dual booting linux like mr-dude would also work

Nah as it happens the post came at a very opportune moment,just as i was adding a laptop drive to my solo2 to replace the existing usb disk drive.

I ended up just mapping the drives to my pc to enable direct transfer from one HDD to the other as FTP protocol doesnt allow for direct transfer and I couldnt be arsed sending everything to the pc,then back to the new HDD,and for all my movies I just used the internal move option within mediaplayer.

I would still like this software to work though because if your image is ever nackered and you require something in particular thats only on the HDD then it would be invaluable.


20-03-2016, 06:13 PM

Have you tried this alternative software?



Select your linux partition/drive - right click on it to mount and then assign it a drive letter so you can access the files.

20-03-2016, 06:33 PM
Its all done now and the box lid is stayng well and truely in place unitl it HAS to come off again lol

It didnt take long doing it the old fashioned way mapping the drives and then letting the box do the work to move all the movies. Fast these Solo2 boxes you know.

But I will certainly download and install the alternative software for future use as you never know. I was totally unaware software of this type even existed until this thread today.



ps you dont know of a plugin that monitors the HDD do you to let you know if it is actually sleeping ?

The HDD sleep plugin doesnt inform you of the HDD status and this info is not present in Pli.

20-03-2016, 07:07 PM
You can use this command in telnet to check:

hdparm -C /dev/sda

It would be very easy to make this into a plugin.

for a list of available devices:

cd /
cd dev

send your drive to sleep after 10 minutes:

hdparm -S 120 /dev/sda

20-03-2016, 07:26 PM

drive state is: active/idle

So which is it ? active or idle ?

That info remains the same too even when watching a movie from the HDD

20-03-2016, 07:31 PM

drive state is: active/idle

So which is it ? active or idle ?

That info remains the same too even when watching a movie from the HDD

It's not in standby - that means it's being used - spinning.

If you want to find out info about your drive:

hdparm -I /dev/sda

Manually put your drive to sleep:

hdparm -Y /dev/sda

Put it to sleep and then check with the command from above - that will show you that it's in standby.

20-03-2016, 07:57 PM
ok cheers

its working now after setting it to go to sleep from within the image rather than from the hdd sleep plugin.

drive state is: standby

20-03-2016, 08:39 PM
I cannot believe you went to the trouble of removing the hdd from the vu when all you had to do was leave it where it was , network to it and ftp the files over , talk about making an easy job difficult , lol :)

good info above though, if it had worked , plus dual booting linux like mr-dude would also work

Because it's a lot faster

20-03-2016, 08:44 PM

Have you tried this alternative software?



Select your linux partition/drive - right click on it to mount and then assign it a drive letter so you can access the files.

Worked first time thanks

20-03-2016, 08:46 PM
Because it's a lot faster

Yes it is - especially if you use USB3 which I do, it's a massive amount of times quicker.

20-03-2016, 10:05 PM
Nah as it happens the post came at a very opportune moment,just as i was adding a laptop drive to my solo2 to replace the existing usb disk drive.

I ended up just mapping the drives to my pc to enable direct transfer from one HDD to the other as FTP protocol doesnt allow for direct transfer and I couldnt be arsed sending everything to the pc,then back to the new HDD,and for all my movies I just used the internal move option within mediaplayer.

I would still like this software to work though because if your image is ever nackered and you require something in particular thats only on the HDD then it would be invaluable.


good to know, thanks, but my comments were aimed at the OP , lol (not you)

20-03-2016, 10:07 PM
Because it's a lot faster

I agree its a lot faster , but I find that speed isnt everything , but if you really wanted the speed you would do as mr-dude does and dual boot the pc or laptop and boot into ubuntu and then its as easy as he said in his post higher up

I use a win10 laptop to transfer files to and from my vu boxes all the time, the hdd has stayed inside them all the time I have had them, never been removed and with no need, I dont find the ethernet transfer methods a problem or slow

you will get similar issues if you try to swap out a hdd in a sly plus box for a larger one, in that it does not use windows compatible partitions nor windows formatting

21-03-2016, 04:02 PM


The external usb3 2tb works fine and can access files taken that off and rebooted

But the 1tb is mounted in the volume manager and shows the capacity but will not show in win explorer

21-03-2016, 04:05 PM


The external usb3 2tb works fine and can access files taken that off and rebooted

But the 1tb is mounted in the volume manager and shows the capacity but will not show in win explorer

You need to assign it a drive letter.

21-03-2016, 04:18 PM
I did M8 got it working know.

I had to assign it to fixed disk not removable like the usb3 disk