View Full Version : Cant get any other satellites after fiddling with settings

20-03-2016, 09:29 PM
Hi all,

Had a motorised dish fitted a while ago and picked up plenty of satellites but always felt the signal wasnt quiet as strong as it could be and was missing some channels.

AHd the dish set up with usals - at least i think it was - it was the positioner option.

Anyway, messed about a biot on various satellites moving the dish slightly and got noticeably imporved signal levels, but couldnt see a way to save them while using usals.

Anyway to cut a long story short, i messed about a lot I now have astra 28 stronger than I have ever had before, but only when I set my tuner configuration to simple and 28.2e. As soon as I change it to usals, i lose the signal on 28.2 east and get the tune failed message. I cannot get any other sattelites either, and then have to manually refind 28 east, pull out the satellite connectiion and chnage to simple configuration before plugging the sat connection back in. I have tried reflashing my box thinking that would reset everything but to no avail. I ahave alwso tried the goto 0 and goto X functiuon in positioner set up but these seem to make no difference.. I have tried searching for other satellites by turning usals back on cannot find any of them and it seems as if the motor is not moving but i cannot be certain of that. I have tried to follow the guides in this section for usals and diseqc but no joy.

Anyone got any ideas?

MAny thannks

I have a maxdigital xp1000 and am using vix 3.

20-03-2016, 09:53 PM
There are two ways to set up your motor, USALS, and Diseqc 1.2.
With both your pole needs to be plumb, strong enough to hold the dish/motor, and secure enough to withstand the elements, mainly the wind.
Using Usals, the receiver works out where the satellites are, once you enter your correct Latitude, and Longitude, negative longitude readings = West, positive = East.
When setting up a dish, using Usals, your installer need to set everything at 0, dish, motor, LNB, enter your Latitude, and Longitude, into your receiver, then send it to a suitable satellite, preferably one close to your Longitude position, and manually align the dish, onbto this satellite, to get the strongest signal.
Over time your dish/motor might move slightly, due to motor slack, or even the wind moving it slightly, you can try compensating, for this, by altering your longitude position, in your receiver, until you feel you're getting the best signal possible, or by using Diseqc 1.2.
With Diseqc 1.2 you use your receiver, to move the dish, then store it's position, when you have the strongest signal.
Let's say you start at 0.8W, adjust your dish East/West, until you peak the signal, then store this at position 1. You then move the dish East, to the next satellite, you want to store, e.g. 5E, get the strongest signal quality, and store this at position 2.
You keep doing this until you have all your satellites stored, at different positions.
Once done it works the same as Usals, in that when you select a channel, from a satellite, the dish will move automatically, to that satellite, even when using the timer, for recordings.

20-03-2016, 10:27 PM
in theory there is no method to adjust in usals, its a one shot deal

the system is setup correctly, you put in your gps settings and thats it , done

in usals, you could adjust your gps by up to say half a degree either way , but this affects all the satellites in your arc

the individual method of doing what you said is in diseqc v1.2 , where you manually find , and store, each satellite when you have the strongest signal , repeat for each satellite until every sat is found , fine tuned , and stored

you can switch from usals to diseqc v1.2 and back again, but for the fine tuning you are after , use diseqc v1.2 as mickha says above

in practice , it is possible to fine tune usals , by altering the degrees on each satellite from the default standard , so you could change 19.2e to 19.1e or 19.3e and save it, once you know how far its out , you could then alter 13.0 e to say 13.2e or 12.9e and save it, etc etc

but its best not to mess about with usals and leave the settings alone, only altering your gps slightly if required, in the actual gps usals settings

and for the fine tuning, mess about in diseqc v1.2 , tune , save , repeat for each sat , done

21-03-2016, 09:48 PM
thanks for the replies, will have another go at it