View Full Version : Biss keys with Oscam

22-03-2016, 07:23 AM
Channel : Mono 29
Pid :0x1FFF
Chid :0x0000
from ;Local
hops :0
ecm time :10
cw1 :92 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
cw2 :92 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

F 001D1FFF 00 22 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx ;
F 001D1FFF 01 22 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx ; MONO29

Dear friends,
I am from Sri lanka and struggling to understand this info. I use dm800se with Blackhole 2.17 and installed Oscam 6059 and replaced it with patched oscam for PowerVu. I am able to Open all of powerVu scrambled channels with this.Then i made a SoftCam.keys for Biss channels and try to open them. I think Oscam is working but channels are not opening due to some other reason. Here is a one example for one channel.
With blue button, The oscam info is,
Mono 29
Pid :0x1FFF
Chid :0x0000
from ;Local
hops :0
ecm time :10
cw1 :92 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
cw2 :92 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

while the actual keys are being

F 001D1FFF 00 22 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx ;
F 001D1FFF 01 22 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx ; MONO29.

Why cw1 and cw2 are showing wrong keys? help me to understand this. Thanks.

23-03-2016, 10:27 AM
I hope somebody will help me.

23-03-2016, 12:35 PM
Because you obviously have keys with the same idents starting with 001D1FFF, you need to either delete those keys if your not going to need them or place a # in front to temporarily disable them