View Full Version : motor won't move to thor

22-03-2016, 09:39 PM
Hi all
Hope you can help me,for some reason my motor won't move to 0.08w,it's selected for usals but just won't budge.all other sats I have in the list for usals work no probs east and west just not Thor.
if I have to do a factory reset do I have to put my key back in or will I have to do a full back up first.
Thanks for any help

22-03-2016, 10:13 PM
I had a similar problem in that motor would drive to all sats that were set up in USALS OK but suddenly it decided that when selecting Hotbird it would move a bit east of Astra 1 and stop. Tried various things and eventually manually drove it from one end of the arc to the other and back again - no problems since. No logical reason as far as I can see.

Can't answer your question re factory reset.

Best of luck.

22-03-2016, 10:44 PM
this doesn't attempt to move at all

23-03-2016, 05:35 PM
this doesn't attempt to move at all
You can save your channel list first but you may still have the same problem if you load it back in again, (could have Thor deleted).
Follow the Satellite Scanning section in the Setup Guide Sticky and do it again, link below.
No problem re-entering key again IF needed. Hope you have it written down.

23-03-2016, 08:23 PM
I had the same problem following the last Firmware upgrade.
The dish would not move to any satellite until I reset the settings for 28E and toggled between USALS and Diseqc 1.2 and moved the dish manually and stored the position again.

23-03-2016, 08:59 PM
Thanks lads,It's a bizarre one xanadu.done a factory reset and still won't move to thor,I have connected my other box to the dish and it moves fine,when it was on thor I reconnected the hitech up and scaaned the channels in which it did no problem,then went to scan another sat with the hitech which it worked,tried to go back to thor and it just won't drive to that sat,starting to do my bonce in now.

which settings did you reset Xanadu


23-03-2016, 09:29 PM
The reset I did is under Installation/Motor Settings>Reset.

I just checked now and my dish does not move to 28.2E, so I changed the setting from Diseqc to USALS and the dish has now moved to correct place, and saved it back to Diseqc again.

I think I will just put the old Firmware version back and hope that works until a proper fix appears.

23-03-2016, 09:52 PM
Thanks xanadu,let me know how you get on.I may do it myself,just incidentally if I change it to diseq1.2 I can drive it to 0 in motor settings and it will stay,however if I move to a different sat it still won't budge unless I drive it back to zero again in motor settings hmmmmm.
Thanks again

23-03-2016, 11:08 PM
Just noticed kmc there is a new firmware 18/03/16, and I am using 11/03/16 version. I think you already have this 18/03 version as you left thanks for the post.

I would have to roll back to the version on 04/02 which I know used to work without dish problems.

24-03-2016, 12:25 AM
i put the 18/03 on,however there was a new one tonight on the http download,however it still didn't make much of a difference.

24-03-2016, 08:31 AM
In your original post, you mentioned 0.08W, I assume you meant 0.8W, do you also have 1W listed, that you can try?
Have you checked your Latitude, and Longitude, settings?
Is your Longitude matching 0.8W?

24-03-2016, 03:07 PM
I have had same problem for sometime only intermittently to cure go to motor settings change to disec store down to disable limits then back to usals this works every time there may be a bug in the software ???? cheers Rolec

25-03-2016, 09:05 PM
In your original post, you mentioned 0.08W, I assume you meant 0.8W, do you also have 1W listed, that you can try?
Have you checked your Latitude, and Longitude, settings?
Is your Longitude matching 0.8W?

yes mate 0.8w,1w isn't listed in the defaults and yes my longitude and latitude are correct,sounds like a couple of others are having similar issues.

25-03-2016, 09:07 PM
thanks rolec,
tried that still doesn't work grrr,although sounds like a very similar issue
