View Full Version : Help!!!

29-03-2016, 03:16 PM
Hi all, sorry for the following but I have to start somewhere:confused:

I am about to purchase (From the forum sponsors) a new V+ Duo2. Reason being we are emigrating shortly and I still want (need) to watch English Telly.

Can someone tell me how easy it is going to be for a novice to get this thing up and running with all that I receive now with my S*y subscription? I do not use a windows pc or laptop everything is Mac but I can get a pc if necessary, or alternatively is there anyone out there close to Leeds that can configure the thing for me (willing to pay not get my hands dirty)!!


29-03-2016, 04:04 PM
not sure where you are moving to but as its probably not the UK you will find it a lot more difficult to get channels from 28 east , astra 2 , or impossible , especially not sly channels which are clustered onto the UK , so dish reception may be poor or impossible from "abroad"

knowing the general location may give you an idea on dish size required, which is likely to be a large dish of maybe 2 metres or more , all depends on the new location you are moving to, so assume you cannot get UK channels unless told otherwise

and nobody here is allowed to advise you on how you can continue to receive channels from sly on a duo 2, or any box other than an official subscription box , you are unlikely to be able to use your sly card, especially as you are a novice , but for technical reasons too (they pair the card to your sly box to try to stop this from happening)

the chances are that you will need to use a windows pc for programming the box as nearly all the programs are windows based programs, there may be geeky workarounds but its probably easier to just use a cheap windows laptop to be honest

please note the rules for satpimps, as a new user I expect you to have read them

you can ask for technical help about a duo 2 etc

you are not allowed to ask for help regarding decoding sly channels or their encryption system

29-03-2016, 04:33 PM
Thanks Echelon,

we are off to Spain, can receive sly at the moment (big dish) and just need to be able to continue to do so. Sorry if I infringed the rules.

29-03-2016, 05:41 PM
well if you have a twin lnb, or 2 lnb,s , the duo 2 will do the job and you will get whatever you currently receive from that big spanish dish now

so check if you get fta channels like bbc1 and itv etc, if not you will want a dish pointed at 27.5 west as well as any others (say on tuner 1 or on tuner 2) and these are scrambled but there are ways to decode them, so many people "abroad" use those channels and not the 28 east versions that we use here in britain or Ireland

make sure you have an internal hdd fitted, say 1 tb, plus have a usb stick in the back, say 16 gb or 32 gb in capacity

use a suitable image that allows for what you require, especially if you want 27.5 west for the uk ftv channels

I doubt that your sly card will help you in this case, so how you are going to decode the scrambled sly content is not a matter for this forum and most other forums would also not help you on that matter either

whatever you manage to do, its important you realise that you wont be opening any sly HD scrambled channels , so you can forget all of the sly HD channels apart from any FTA ones (free to air) , but most are scrambled and have been black for 2 years

the box is a HD ready box so can allow viewing of FTA HD channels, like BBC1 HD etc, providing it can actually be received with good signal and good quality

so to recap, its a good box, its capable of what you want, it needs a hdd fitting inside, it needs a usb stick in the back , it needs programming and the use of tools to keep it up to date and in shape , mainly windows based tools

ideally you want a windows laptop to be able to maintain it properly , plus the knowledge on how to use this laptop and some linux knowledge on programming and servicing the box , its definitely not for a beginner and not for any technophobes either

29-03-2016, 06:24 PM
Thank you once again,

we currently have no problem with the FTA stuff (incl HD) Fitting a HDD etc is no problem, I've been doing some reading on images and bootloaders and softcams and god only knows what else! Am I right in going down the vix route? Also is Dreambox the right choice for managing the content and editing etc? (assuming those are the correct terms)!


29-03-2016, 07:11 PM
there are several images of which vix is one , cant tell you which would be best for you, same as I cannot tell you which villa is best for you , or which village or town , or which car or suv or tractor :)

its a good image, but they all have their own merits

some dreambox tools are used like Dreamboxedit and Dreamset and DCC , but there are VU tools as well , like VuCC 0.8 , plus some other tools that dont mention vu or dreambox, or are pc programs , like filezilla, notepad++ , flash fxp , 7zip etc

its a lot to learn, a lot of experimenting, trying different images until you are happy with the final chosen image (the main ones are openvix , blackhole , openPLI and openATV) , then installation of plugins and addons too

you would be best advised to treat this new box as a hobby or adventure, concentrate on making it work with fta channels like bbc and itv , not scrambled channels

once its up and running as a freesat receiver , obtaining fta channels and recording them etc, then decide on if you can do the rest , assume you cant, but hope that you do learn how

the box can do it for the most part, but if it has a learner driver its not going to get you from john o groats to lands end , its going to crash or get hopelessly lost, like the owner , so months or years down the line it may achive most of what you require, it definitely wont manage everything your current sly plus box can do (because it wont give you the scrambled HD channels for a start , nobodys box does, only sly boxes with official and paid subs do)