View Full Version : New update warning,,,help,,,

09-04-2016, 05:05 PM
JUST CARRIED OUT TODAYS UP DATE AND NOW BOX FAILED BOOT,carried out the on line software update box went thro. usual procedure went to reboot,now dead shows green light remote has no effect tried disconnect from mains ,reconnect green light on .no output from box remote has no effect BLACKDEVIL ****HELP :mad:

09-04-2016, 05:24 PM
Follow this procedure in no.2 post using latest sw


09-04-2016, 06:15 PM
carried out your instructions,first usb stick tried 3 times ,no luck, tried another usb stick that worked took me about 1 hour,thanks,,,joe

09-04-2016, 08:28 PM
learned one lesson,when this rebuild is carried out ,you loose every thing and have to start from scratch,including imputing your gift number,took 2 hours to.find,so will keep it handy in case i have to do this again...

19-04-2016, 04:36 PM
I have had the same problem but followed procedure and got it going again.This may sound dumb but how do you get the magic number back in it I have totally forgotten.SATSAM

19-04-2016, 04:42 PM
I have had the same problem but followed procedure and got it going again.This may sound dumb but how do you get the magic number back in it I have totally forgotten.SATSAM
Its in the Setup Guide

19-04-2016, 07:15 PM
Working fine now thanks for the help.SATSAM

25-04-2016, 04:21 PM
hi guys I have just joined the club, my box froze after downloading the latest firmware [hightechbox_2.1.34_2016.04.21] I have changed it to [force_rom_upgrade] the SATMAN code. Before I go any further could someone please verify that I am on the correct path so far. Also I seem to be having a problem unzipping [ f_r_upgrade]to my USB stick. Any help would be most welcome.

25-04-2016, 05:09 PM
I seem to be having a problem unzipping [ f_r_upgrade]to my USB stick. Any help would be most welcome.
Don't rename the file until unzipped, if it won't unzip try a different USB stick preferably a well known branded one.
Just to add try Winrar to unzip as the file is .rar

25-04-2016, 05:53 PM
Hi thanks jbvid, I am using a couple of the earlier patches that I had change into the bin format I am getting a little life but not quite landed yet.

25-04-2016, 06:17 PM
Just checking, there 2 different versions 1--force_upgrade_rom or 2--force_rom_upgrade could i please have conformation on the correct one. Thanks in advance

25-04-2016, 06:40 PM
The Link is post #2 of this thread is correct.

25-04-2016, 06:58 PM
jbvid, yes i am aware that they are in post #2, but but which is the correct one.[they have 2 versions in that post] My--1 or My--2 has in my post#11

25-04-2016, 07:12 PM
jbvid, yes i am aware that they are in post #2, but but which is the correct one.[they have 2 versions in that post] My--1 or My--2 has in my post#11

25-04-2016, 07:15 PM
Try them both and tell us which one works.
Just looked on my USB stick and I have force_upgrade_rom

25-04-2016, 07:48 PM
jbvid, yes, Thanks will try again tomorrow

25-04-2016, 10:03 PM
I previously used force_upgrade_rom with success.

26-04-2016, 07:45 AM
jbvid, the code is as the one you have it----force_upgrade_rom----plus many thanks for your input, also a thanks to philips