View Full Version : Connect to PC to play media files on VU+

16-05-2016, 01:43 PM
Hey all,

Love my little Zero box. Is there a way of connecting it to my PC so I can watch media files off my PC on the VU+? saves me loading the files to a USB stick and playing them that way. I ma runnign the latest Blackhole and PC with Windows 10.


17-05-2016, 04:33 PM
Sure is, just use samba or cifs depending on if your PC is Linux or windows. To get to lan share will be dependent on what image your using. Blackhole is two presses of the blue button and scroll down to the relevant section.

Btw I had real issues sharing folders on windows 10. So I dumped it and went back to 7.

17-05-2016, 11:00 PM
Sure is, just use samba or cifs depending on if your PC is Linux or windows. To get to lan share will be dependent on what image your using. Blackhole is two presses of the blue button and scroll down to the relevant section.

Btw I had real issues sharing folders on windows 10. So I dumped it and went back to 7.

Thanks Sawdust for the info. I followed a great guide on how to set up with cifs but cant for the life of get it to connect to my shared folder on Windows 10, the guide was ofr windows 7. I may give up on this and ftp the videos over to the HDD when i want to view them, thanks again

18-05-2016, 09:00 AM
As said when I used windows 10 the folders would not share. I reinstalled 7 and it worked straight away.