View Full Version : vu 4 k

17-05-2016, 09:32 AM
iv got a vu duo2 I'm thinking of buying a vu 4 k should I wait or buy one now are there any good could some boday that has got one give me some advise please

25-05-2016, 10:46 AM
Thats question I have asked. Its duo 2's quality and experience driven me to upgrade solo 4k. .... but no one seems to compare and advice us on this forum at least

25-05-2016, 12:27 PM
It's not up to forum members or staff even to tell you what to buy but if you want an honest opinion then I am sure someone will post something.

I have a Duo2 and personally, would not upgrade until there is more content in 4K as I look and see that the vast majority of broadcasts are still in SD (Shyte Definition).
HD was the big thing a few years back but we are still waiting for it to be delivered. Then there was 3D. Now we have 4K........do you see a trend?

If you are rich or buying new then yes it makes sense to go for the latest but if you already have a high standard setup as in a Solo2 or Duo2 then I'd stay put especially now that Sty DE look set to be the next pairing casualty.

25-05-2016, 03:31 PM
it depends if you want to watch any 4k content...i believe for instance 8 euro games are being shown on hispasat 30w.....wish Technomate would hurry up and release a 4k box.

25-05-2016, 06:09 PM
Having owned everything that Vu+ has made apart from the Duo2 which i skipped and went straight to the Solo4K and having compared its picture performance to other MIPS based receivers which would include the Duo2 the Solo4K gives a better picture quality even on shyte SD (LOL) due to the fact that it runs an ARM based processor.

25-05-2016, 06:28 PM
got a 4k tele? get a solo 4k theres the odd 4k feed. upcoming euros 8 games, Some Rolland garros tennis as well as the ability to play 4k bluray rips. Luvin mine.

25-05-2016, 06:40 PM
If you already have an android box such as Nvidia Shield TV/Minix Neo x8-h etc - and a 4K TV - try downloading some 4K content and have a look at it, You say you already have a VU+ Duo 2 - you don't even get the best out of that as nearly all things broadcast are not in full HD, so you're not going to see much in 4k.

I'd say wait just now until the Sat providers start broadcasting in 4k as the norm, by then you'll get a much better 4k box that's more capable + Arm plugins will be more mainstream, currently most plugins are mips based due to most people having mips boxes and not compiling stuff for ArmHF (even though you can ccompile on a raspberry pi 2).

A box is only as good as the software that's on it, and the content that's provided for it, take that in to account when and if you decide on getting a new box.

If I was in the market for a new box, i'd ask myself these questions:

1: Is the Software open source
2: How many plugins can I use and are they compatible with my box.
3: What type of content can I use and how easily available is it?
4: How much does this box cost - and what can it do extra I can't already get with other hardware I have?
5: Is the price difference worth it to watch maybe 1 or 2 4k programs every other week that I want to watch.

That's even if you have a 4k TV - if not you're wasting your time.

26-05-2016, 09:27 PM
The picture quality on the 4k is impressive, sly sd looks good.

27-05-2016, 11:18 PM
I got one & a 4K TV
hmm ...
most of my films are in HD (mkv format) all about 8GB - the 4K can play some and not others ...
media player is a bit flaky .. if you stop it - it can crash the box
struggles with a 4k file!

few images around - but they all take time to play with
not as good as I was hoping, but its OK & not too expensive (compared to a DM8K)
I replaced a DM8K because the images were drying up (and I got a 4K telly)

28-05-2016, 08:07 AM
There seems to be loads of images lots i've not even tried. Openatv, vix, openspa, vti, blackhole. These are the ones i've tried. Then there's openpli and satgr images and a few more I cannot remember.