View Full Version : Patches

jay c
19-06-2016, 04:54 PM
Hello all,
has the spiderbox been left out in the cold when it comes to Patches as it looks like all the effort is going into the Hitech Box.
the same with the IPTV,

dave d
21-06-2016, 11:07 PM
sounds about right , they have limited time now to do the spider box because of the new model, its like everything else i suppose they want you to upgrade that's how they make their money all company's do the same you'll get 12 months or couple of years down the line and they will do it again its what they call progress LOL

22-06-2016, 12:32 AM
Hello all,
has the spiderbox been left out in the cold when it comes to Patches as it looks like all the effort is going into the Hitech Box.
the same with the IPTV,

In answer to your query, No it has not been left out in the cold. As it was known well in advance of the Hitech Receiver coming onto the market, that the Spiderbox 6000 production was about to cease, and a new receiver was about to take it's place, there was even speculation on this forum as to what the new receiver would be named, so it would appear that you have either not read or have over looked that info.

22-06-2016, 03:55 PM
Yes I agree with you jay c. Whether a manufacturer or team states they are moving support to another box or not is immaterial. No further support is still what it is. "Left out in the cold" is as good an observation as any. :)

22-06-2016, 06:39 PM
@ althetaff

Could you please tell me and other forum members which manufacturers/teams you know of that continue to support a receiver that is no longer in production, and what would be the point of them doing so. ?????

22-06-2016, 06:41 PM
The problem is always the cpu.
As many features appear in scene, cpu cannot support them.
I will give you an example to understand what i am saying.
When box came in scene it didn't had IPTV function.We tried and we had added it in next software.
But we couldn't make IPTV handle more than 400 channels,sort function,categories etc.
It is the limitation of cpu.
Even cpu manufacturer stopped producing it.

jay c
22-06-2016, 07:47 PM
thank you Blackdevil for your reply, So does this mean that even though we have only a 400 channel iptv list that we will not be getting any updates to this list. and that if youtube change their settings again there will not be an update?
once again thank you Blackdevil and the team for all the work that you have put into the spiderbox over the years..

22-06-2016, 08:49 PM
Update list, all must be ok now.

22-06-2016, 08:58 PM
Times change, technology advances so processors improve as blackdevil says, so we need to move on (if we want improvement)
The 6000 has had a good long run along with great support and a long list of very happy users, and it still has them.
Compare it with other older Satellite receivers, even non Spiderbox models, (which were all more expensive). Iv'e lost count of my past expired ones they all had a time limit thats the way it's always been in this Hobby.

jay c
22-06-2016, 08:59 PM
a big thankyou goes to blackdevil,
just updated list .
things are looking good.

22-06-2016, 09:00 PM
Mine works ok most of the time, IPTV get updated occasionally so film list is reasonably updated, the newer box probably gets more patches because its bugs and minor probs are still being ironed out, the spider was the same when it came out.

When I said newer box I meant the second production run of the spider 6000 which are the current MSCAM ones, the first batch had *k$.

01-07-2016, 03:16 PM
Hi All,

Newer box? What have I missed?

01-07-2016, 04:08 PM
Hi All,

Newer box? What have I missed?

Details on receiver, latest patch installed, etc etc.