View Full Version : Vu+ solo 4k

25-06-2016, 12:38 PM

I have recently bought a Vu+ solo 4k its been loaded with VIX. I have done nothing for the last 4 or 5 years, so I am a bit behind things to say the least. (Having had the original Spiderbox).

Can you tell me please how to delete channels from the recently and excellent updated (downloaded) channel list. I would like to delete the many BBC and ITV and other channels that I do not require. On Astra I would also like to delete the ***** section so they can not be seen by the young kids. (Is it possible to move around the location of a channel, ie not to keep in alphabetical order).

Thanks for any help offered.



25-06-2016, 12:46 PM
this can be achieved by either using the onscreen menu and the remote control, or by using a channel editor on your pc, like dreamboxedit or dreamset , then loading the amended channel list back onto your box

the onscreen channel editor menu is normally accessed by pressing the down arrow and then the menu button

you can move or add or remove or change the position of any channel you are on , using the editor , its just a case of getting used to it

always back up your channel list before starting (something you should have learned to do on your spiderbox)

dreamset or dreamboxedit can be used for backing up and loading channel lists (settings , like the catseye list)

customising your own list from an existing list is something everybody with a vu or dreambox should learn

check all the dreambox and vu forums here for information on this as its not just a vu 4k question or topic

25-06-2016, 12:53 PM
Hi echelon

Thanks for the continued help and quick reply. I appreciate you help. I just feel for some reason not as confident as I was ten or so years ago (sorry). I'm a bit slow at the best of times. I shall certainly follow your advice and have a go.



25-06-2016, 01:17 PM
Hi (again)

My STB arrived setup. I now have my usb stick, into the front usb port, how do I down load (for back up purposes) my present channel list. (sorry for being truly thick).


Hi echelon the link you kindly gave to the deamboxedit is missing, any idea were to find, ta.

25-06-2016, 01:52 PM
I didnt give you a link , but they are in the dreambox tools forum


either tool can be used to backup or install a settings list (channel list)

they can also be used to edit the list on your pc too , especiallyl the bouquets or channels which can be added to , deleted or manipulated

there is usually a plugin or setting in the menu where you can backup your image , backup your settings etc, have a look for it in your vix menu (all these images have similar options somewhere in their menus) - the place to backup to can be specified somewhere in your setup menus , so to hdd or to usb stick

but the two dreambox editors are the main editors and backup/restore tools , so you need to learn the tools of the trade, which may have names such as dream or dreambox in them , including others like D.C.C. as well

my VU boxes have a usb stick permamnently in the back usb port , used for these backups , and for epg data storage for crossepg , and for storing the picon folder containing the picons

some of this is in previous threads in the various vu discussion forums here (or previously in the dreambox forums) and some details are posted in the sticky threads in those various forums too, especially the vu duo and vu solo2 forums here on pimps