View Full Version : .xml failed and blacklist failed

26-06-2016, 12:33 PM
Hi all, hope somebody can help, was trying to update my channel list using dreambox edit but keep getting the bottom 2 lines failing, any ideas? Thank you

FTP-Transfer wird gestartet
Transfer abgeschlossen
** Sending file "/etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml" **
FTP-Transfer wird gestartet
Transfer abgeschlossen
Verbindung wird getrennt.
Verbindung getrennt.
Sending Reload commands.
Reload of lamedb and userbouquets succeded.
Reload of satellites.xml failed, mode 3 not supported by your box.
Reload of blacklist failed, mode 4 not supported by your box.

26-06-2016, 03:23 PM
What box ? and what image ?
The more info you can give the greater chance we can help.

26-06-2016, 03:31 PM
sounds like it's an old web interface, so probably old image, that doesn't support modes 3 and 4 (only modes 0,1 and 2)

01-07-2016, 04:16 PM
I shouldn't matter too much, as long as the box loads the database!!