View Full Version : vu 4k and vbox setup ?

21-07-2016, 04:20 PM

Thanks for this. I am about to set up Diseq 1.2 following your instructions. Just one point;- You say to use tuner A, so I assume I connect my V-box to tuner B and set it as loop-through? As it says in the manual when usng only one source to use tuner B then set to loop-through to tuner A. Or do I do exactly as you say and just use tuner A for the V-box and leave tuner B as unconnected? Thanks again.

22-07-2016, 11:18 AM
V-Box's generally have on the rear panel a LNB in port and a 'Reciever' out port so your LNB cable obviously goes to the LNB port and the receiver one again in to Tuner A.

This will then let the Solo4K control your V-Box with the relevant Diseqc 1.2 command postions, Tuner B is left not configured unless you have another dish feed to attach to it.