View Full Version : Help needed with Solo 4k Setup please.

10-08-2016, 07:46 PM
Hi, i have just bought a solo 4k to replace my duo. The problem im having is inserting the oscam (not sure which version i need) and converting my cccam to oscam. I have downloaded the converter but im not sure which files to replace (or add to ).
Can anyone point me in the right direction please.

Vu solo 4k with the latest openpli image.

10-08-2016, 08:07 PM
There are 2 threads that maybe of some help to you:


or this one:


10-08-2016, 10:12 PM
Here is how to.

Use your config editor to convert cccamtooscam. This will give you what you need to paste into the oscam.server file. Now there are two ways to input you line. Either use dreambox control center and ftp into your box and look under var/tuxbox/config oscam.server should be in there. Paste you server details into there. If you know what extension oscam is running under and it tells you in the oscam.config file also found in var/tuxbox/config. You can open your computers browsers window input you box's ip followed by the oscam.webif ip (example In the oscam webif click files and then oscam.server paste you file in there save and exit. I would then reboot your box.

10-08-2016, 10:16 PM
two things you need to be aware of.
The 4k box uses a ARM CPU not MIPS - so be careful which one you download
you can't use any other CAM - because they have not been compiled for other chipsets than MIPS.
and, not being open source, they won't be!

Openpli is a bit difficult in the way it inserts Oscam into its file structure - I won't explain - I use ssh to start my Oscam, not Openpli's menu system.

10-08-2016, 10:34 PM
There is a few cams now working on 4k box's image dependent, oscam, ncam, mgcamd, and wicard I think. I just watched the leeds game running ncam on a elevenhd on 13.e

10-08-2016, 10:55 PM
quote on ncam
Thank you , it is a Spanish copy of oscam it brings nothing new ....

11-08-2016, 03:05 PM
As stated OSCAM will work on all 4k images other cams are dependent on what image you flash.

Blackhole and Open blackhole you can use most of the cams

11-08-2016, 08:33 PM
Thanks for all the replies guys, il try your suggestions and let you all know how i get on. Thanks again. !!