View Full Version : Spiderbox 6000 HD network problems

19-08-2016, 05:41 PM
Hi guys.
I have some trouble with my spiderbox 6000, few days a go the network in our small vilage just got hited by lightning, since then the provider changes the router and we go new one.
The old router we had was with ip , the new one has got

Since the new router my spiderbox is not connecting to the internet anymore, and does not get any new ip from router. It is like the box does not ask for new ip, and even that i have made factory reset the ip is still the same as the old one.

Have any one had this issiue before ? does any one know how we can fix this type of problems ?

thanks in advance for any help :-)

19-08-2016, 06:30 PM
in that case my question would be , what do other devices like your pc , laptop , tablet and mobile phone manage to get ?

clearly your pc or laptop seems to be working so seems to have a lan ip address

if you compare all these devices , each should have its own unique number, like before (usually the last set of digits)

then see if the spiderbox gets allocated an ip address, plus try pinging it from the laptop and see if you get an answerback

what is the make and model of your new router ?

20-08-2016, 09:00 AM
You schould check which connection you use. wifi or direct cable. by wifi you should enter the ip from the router ans it's new access key.