View Full Version : Get no sound in MAG254

20-08-2016, 06:40 PM
Hi there, I'd appreciate if someone can help me. I have just bought MAG254W1 (built-in WIFI) and have an IPTV provider. I manage to get the channels but there is no sound. I connected the receiver to the TV with a HDMI cable (v 1.4). I tried everything in settings, even changing few video resolutions, not to mention that I tried everything in Audio setting selecting "HDMI" but in complete vain: still no sound. I heard about BIOS, do I need to go to BIOS and make changes there? Sorry it's a long winded text.
Many thanks, doran

20-08-2016, 07:34 PM
Go to embedded Portal.
Select Settings.
Select Video.
Select F1 (red button)
Change AVI to HDMI. Exit back to your Portal.
Good luck!

21-08-2016, 10:26 AM
Many thanks Buck401. I actually had done that (changing DVI to HDMI). I have sorted out the problem and have now sound. The problem I was wrongly selecting the output sound source (i.e. sound was set up from home cinema and wrong output HDMI was selected).
Regards, doran