View Full Version : HD9000: First Impressions

tinto de verano
28-08-2016, 11:14 AM

I just thought I would share my first impressions... Excellent!!!!

So tiny, I could not believe it. "Does everything fit in there?". Apparently it does. And more seems to be added regularly. Thanks!!!

I set it up last night, with a few issues... sorted later.

1) I connected everything, but I could not get/see a signal on TV. Moving it a bit would give a signal, then it would go away. ???
I noticed my old AVPure (hopefully good quality) HDMI cable seemed to make a buzzing sound. ???
I reversed the HDMI cable connection from TV to the HD9000, the buzzing sound went away, and the signal/picture was there. Good. Strange, but it works.

2) So many options, so many icons... excellent. Lots to learn and discover. I loaded a channel list, to start with.

3) I updated the firmware through USB to 2.1.53 from the files section. OK.
But I was unable to activate Mscamd.
I upgraded the firmware through HTTP to 2.1.58. One unsuccessful attempt, oh dear... try again... and I managed to activate Mscamd. Yes!

4) I have a feeling that the issue was due to the "old" firmware or maybe to the fact that maybe MScamd was down or not stable at that time...

5) Once activated, Mscamd channels seemed to break up too frequently, every couple of minutes, for a few seconds or for 30 or more seconds... worrying... maybe MScamd was down or not stable at that time...

6) This morning Mscamd seems to be really stable. Yes!

7) The tuner seems to be much more sensible/better than the Spiderbox HD6000's.

My dish might not be perfectly aligned, so I have to cheat a bit with my Lat and Long, I admit it. I need to align it properly... money... Anyway. With the Spiderbox I was getting something like S:80 and Q:70 for 19.2. Now I am getting S:94 and Q:94-98. Excellent!!!

8) Picture quality seems better, brighter that the Spiderbox, but maybe a bit softer... not sure. I need to investigate further.
I seem to remember someone having big picture quality issues, but then changing some settings and getting it right... but I cannot

9) Sound seems very good. I still need to connect it to my Amp... no rush.

Well, that is more or less it for now.

If you do not mind, I will also post a few other posts with some individual/specific queries, rather than all together in one, to make sure that none gets missed and all get an answer.

Thanks to everybody involved with this little wonder box, and for the people providing support in the forum, as usual.

tinto de verano

28-08-2016, 12:51 PM

I just thought I would share my first impressions... Excellent!!!!

So tiny, I could not believe it. "Does everything fit in there?". Apparently it does. And more seems to be added regularly. Thanks!!!

I set it up last night, with a few issues... sorted later.

1) I connected everything, but I could not get/see a signal on TV. Moving it a bit would give a signal, then it would go away. ???
I noticed my old AVPure (hopefully good quality) HDMI cable seemed to make a buzzing sound. ???
I reversed the HDMI cable connection from TV to the HD9000, the buzzing sound went away, and the signal/picture was there. Good. Strange, but it works.

2) So many options, so many icons... excellent. Lots to learn and discover. I loaded a channel list, to start with.

3) I updated the firmware through USB to 2.1.53 from the files section. OK.
But I was unable to activate Mscamd.
I upgraded the firmware through HTTP to 2.1.58. One unsuccessful attempt, oh dear... try again... and I managed to activate Mscamd. Yes!

4) I have a feeling that the issue was due to the "old" firmware or maybe to the fact that maybe MScamd was down or not stable at that time...

5) Once activated, Mscamd channels seemed to break up too frequently, every couple of minutes, for a few seconds or for 30 or more seconds... worrying... maybe MScamd was down or not stable at that time...

6) This morning Mscamd seems to be really stable. Yes!

7) The tuner seems to be much more sensible/better than the Spiderbox HD6000's.

My dish might not be perfectly aligned, so I have to cheat a bit with my Lat and Long, I admit it. I need to align it properly... money... Anyway. With the Spiderbox I was getting something like S:80 and Q:70 for 19.2. Now I am getting S:94 and Q:94-98. Excellent!!!

8) Picture quality seems better, brighter that the Spiderbox, but maybe a bit softer... not sure. I need to investigate further.
I seem to remember someone having big picture quality issues, but then changing some settings and getting it right... but I cannot

9) Sound seems very good. I still need to connect it to my Amp... no rush.

Well, that is more or less it for now.

If you do not mind, I will also post a few other posts with some individual/specific queries, rather than all together in one, to make sure that none gets missed and all get an answer.

Thanks to everybody involved with this little wonder box, and for the people providing support in the forum, as usual.

tinto de veranoregarding the signal having a higher value on the 9000 does not equate to an actual increase in signal it's just the way different receivers are made but some do have better tuners than others more signal bigger dish is the best way but if only watching astra 28e 40-60cm is fine in the uk i use a medium sized dish to track from 68e to 58w