View Full Version : HD9000: Q 02: Hard Drive recording?

tinto de verano
28-08-2016, 11:39 AM

I understand I can record to USB dongle and/or HD.

First, I hope I can have both a USB dongle and a HD plugged in at the same time. Is that so?

Second, regarding the Hard Drive:

I assume I can use a portable 1 TB HD as I did with my "old" Spiderbox HD6000.

Does it need to be formatted in any special way (the old FAT32?), in/from the HD9000 as it was the case with the Spiderbox HD6000?

Or can I format the HD with my PC as the newer, more efficient NTFS?


tinto de verano

28-08-2016, 04:37 PM
tinto de verano wrote


I understand I can record to USB dongle and/or HD. Yes

First, I hope I can have both a USB dongle and a HD plugged in at the same time. Is that so? Yes

Second, regarding the Hard Drive:

I assume I can use a portable 1 TB HD as I did with my "old" Spiderbox HD6000. Yes, needs to be 5v for USB

Does it need to be formatted in any special way (the old FAT32?), in/from the HD9000 as it was the case with the Spiderbox HD6000?

Or can I format the HD with my PC as the newer, more efficient NTFS? Experiment your Menus, PVR / TV Records

tinto de verano
28-08-2016, 04:47 PM
tinto de verano wrote


I understand I can record to USB dongle and/or HD. Yes

First, I hope I can have both a USB dongle and a HD plugged in at the same time. Is that so? Yes

Second, regarding the Hard Drive:

I assume I can use a portable 1 TB HD as I did with my "old" Spiderbox HD6000. Yes, needs to be 5v for USB

Does it need to be formatted in any special way (the old FAT32?), in/from the HD9000 as it was the case with the Spiderbox HD6000?

Or can I format the HD with my PC as the newer, more efficient NTFS? Experiment your Menus, PVR / TV Records

Hi jbvid,

Thanks again for your help.

I will have a go at it when I ma back home and can test the box.


tinto de verano

tinto de verano
29-08-2016, 10:41 AM
Hi jbvid,


Just for the record (pardon the pun):

I formatted my portable 1TB Samsung as NTFS on Windows 10PC, plugged it into the left port (next to power socket).

I switched HD9000 on, "USB Detected", went to PVR Records:

I can see my HD: /ucska1.

There are NTFS and FAT32 formatting options, but I think I do not need them.

I have tried watching a TV channel, recorded it while watching it... And it works.


Is it possible to record IPTV?

I tried: I pressed the recor button, "Task added appeared".

But nothing seemed to get re order.

Pressed re order again and got "Already exist".

I don't know what that means.

No IPTV got recorded.


tinto de verano