View Full Version : Help with alignment \ arc out

01-09-2016, 09:00 AM
Can someone please help me with my ARC

Ive spent two nights up the ladder with partial success.

Here are the steps i've gone through.

Firtsly, ive moved from Hertfordshire to Kent, but my latitude is still 51

I have put in my lat and long into USALs - and have then been setting up outside to maximise on 1W.

My motor is a TM2600 super - so the angle of the motor is set to 51 (as it hasnt changed from when at Herts).

Now, the problem i have is i CAN get strong signal on 1w 42e and 30w - BUT only when i change the dish inclination WHEN at those positions.

At the moment, using USALS and after abandoning last night due to poor light conditions I can't get any further east than 28.2e - but to the west of that everything is strong.

If i do it the other way - i.e move the dish over to 42e and then play with the angle of the dish, i can get very strong signals - like 95% on some TPs - but then its weak when i move dish to 30w

At least I know its not a line of sight problem at either end of the arc.

So, either i've set the motor angle wrong, or maybe my pole isnt 100% vertical (oo-er) - (however i think it is) but will check again tonight.

What else could be causing my arc to be so out!!?!?!?

Also, 1+1 channel on 4W is quite a weak signal generally - should i align on 4w instead of 1w -whats a good weak TP \ if not, whats a good channel on 1W to align on?

Ive got a 1m gibertini dish btw

01-09-2016, 11:03 AM
You Longitude will have changed.
On Dishpointer Hertfordshire is listed as Latitude 51.81 Longitude 0.24 W, and kent, Latitude 51.28 Longitude 0.52 E.
Without more accurate locations that's the best I can do.
Please try dishpointer.com, other website. or application, to get more accurate co-ordinates.
Your motor seems to be moving your dish, to the correct location, if you are only adjusting the elevation, whe moving your dish, thus the problem must be with your pole.
I would stick with 1W, for alignment, although using USALS, it doesn't matter which satellite you use, as USALS does the work for you.
Set your dish/motor and LNB to 0, enter your correct Latitude, and Longitude, into your receiver, and send the dish to 1W, or other satellite, and physically move it, to get the best signal, from 1W.
First try a strong transponder, then switch to a weaker one, to get the best signal, on 1W.
Then do as you have tried, going to 42E, and 30W, to check the signal quality readings.
Always move your dish back to 1W, to make minor adjustments, to peak your satellite arc.
There is a diagram, showing the various problems, with the satellite arc:

01-09-2016, 11:44 AM
Thanks very much mate.

Hemel Hempstead -> Orpington. I realise my Long has changed, and i reflected new LAT and LONG into my SAT RECEIVER.

Let me theorise a bit here - is there any logic in maybe having to slightly lessen the signal on 1w, to ensure the extremities at 30w and 42e remain high signal level?

Example 1 - if i max the signal on a weak TP on 1W - should the signal STILL be at MAX at 30w and 42e ? if im bang on with everything

Example 2 - if i found max signal on a weak TP on 1W at - BUT at 30w signals are 40% and 42e are 85% - would i perhaps need to lessen 1W to get 70% to get the extremeties into they're high 80s

Is there a "balancing act" involved here?

In reference to Example 1 - if pole wasn't 100% vertical what would the results be?

Again, in reference to Example 1 - if motor angle was out - what would the results be in comparison to above line?

01-09-2016, 01:03 PM
It is a matter of trial, and error, to get everything right, but you shouldn't need to lose too much signal, on your true south satellite.
If your pole isn't plumb then the further you go the more off you are, East, or West, until you lose the satellite.
If your pole is plumb, and everything set up correctly, then you should get 42E, and 30W, on your first try, just the signal will be lower, than expected, maybe 40-50%, instead of 80-90%.
Try using your receiver, to nudge the motor, fine tuning, to see if your dish is hitting the exact spot.
Always take your dish back to 1W, or the satellite you set up on, before adjusting the brackets, and make a note of the signal quality readings, on 42E, and 30W, everytime, and the bracket positions, so that you can see the progress.

01-09-2016, 01:16 PM
It is a matter of trial, and error, to get everything right, but you shouldn't need to lose too much signal, on your true south satellite.
If your pole isn't plumb then the further you go the more off you are, East, or West, until you lose the satellite.
If your pole is plumb, and everything set up correctly, then you should get 42E, and 30W, on your first try, just the signal will be lower, than expected, maybe 40-50%, instead of 80-90%.
Try using your receiver, to nudge the motor, fine tuning, to see if your dish is hitting the exact spot.
Always take your dish back to 1W, or the satellite you set up on, before adjusting the brackets, and make a note of the signal quality readings, on 42E, and 30W, everytime, and the bracket positions, so that you can see the progress.

thank you - come to think of it, thats how it started.
my easts and wests were pretty poor.
should i put my motor back to 51 - and then just fiddle with 1w then and then keep going 1w to 30w to 42e, each time, but always changing dish angle on 1W ONLY! and NEVER the motor mount angle...

01-09-2016, 05:39 PM
Hi I have installed many TM2600 motors all over the south east. If using USALS it does not matter which satellite you start from - common sense should tell you that all relevant satellites need to be found sooner or later. Historically people are obsessed with 1west as a starting point -- what happens if 1 west goes out of business- does that mean that all motors will stop working?? I dont think so. A couple of points to remember are as follows:
1) make sure wall mount/pole is straight - otherwise dish will lose track.
2) Check LNB skew is correct - sometimes by twisting LNB slightly left or right allows pictures to come in.
3) Make sure dish is sitting straight on motor tail. I normally set motor to zero before attaching dish to tail. I make sure that dish is pointing straight ahead and then tighten it up.
4) If you are finding some satellites and not others its usually to do with dish angles. Adjust the angles until all sats are found.


01-09-2016, 06:07 PM
thank you - come to think of it, thats how it started.
my easts and wests were pretty poor.
should i put my motor back to 51 - and then just fiddle with 1w then and then keep going 1w to 30w to 42e, each time, but always changing dish angle on 1W ONLY! and NEVER the motor mount angle...you can use diseqc 1.2 instead of usals to nudge e-w

01-09-2016, 08:20 PM
never alter the motor angle once it is set to your latitude and locked up

the zero on your motor should point at true south , whatever that may be

the dish should be totally in alignment with your motor and lnb , then do not alter this either

the lnb will be no skew when on the zero marker , so any bottom feed will be vertical or "plumb"

the pole clamps will be loose to move it left or right around the pole , then tightened up

the dish angle may change but a typical figure is around 27 to 28 degrees , so this needs loosening and tightening

the last 2 above are what you alter when aligning a dish , motor and lnb setup

01-09-2016, 09:52 PM
All sorted guys. Now getting 90% on 52e and 80% on 30w. Can't get nasd on 45w tho. I'm sure it's achievable. Thanks all. It was the motor needing to be angled up more.

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