View Full Version : Vu+ Solo 4K Help

03-09-2016, 07:54 PM
When I first purchased my receiver it came with Vti installed as this was the only one out at the time and later on as new images came out replaced it with blackhole (currently BH3.0.2.F)
The other day I had a power cut for a few seconds and when the receiver powered itself back up for some reason had a few issues ie front display clock had gone tiny and showing totally the wrong time.
After going through various settings managed to get the display back to the correct size again and did a manual epg update which corrected the time.
But I have noticed when on a 4K demo channel my tv tells me it's only receiving a 1080p signal?
I have gone into the AV settings like I did when I first got the receiver to alter it but the highest resolution it will now let me go to is 1080p?
Anyone else had any problems like this as I didn't want to start from scratch again downloading a different image and finding out it was something simple.

Thanks in advance

03-09-2016, 09:14 PM
Don't be afraid of it, try images and get used to playing with it.
Get the box to do what you want, don't be afraid to try all the images out there.

03-09-2016, 09:26 PM

Sometimes i lost all my Settings with BH 3.0.2.F ( the Frontdisplay shows only a old Date,nothing else )
if this happen i go to the Menu/Setup/Software management/
their i choose: Restore system settings
after that i Reboot the Vu 4K than all is back again and Works normal
but i donīt know if this Helps with your Problem but itīs worth a try
maybe a Software Restore would Help ? you can choose that in the same Menu

18-09-2016, 09:45 PM
Hi chaps
Sorry for the late response on this, had other things to sort out (got sacked from work after 20yrs service and not one day off sick in that time!!)
Harddriver I tried that with no change, sonic now I have "time on my hands" this evening I loaded vix image on for a change, didn't alter anything so back to blackhole image now.
I have solved it eventually, the cause was when I first got the vu4k that was the only 4K source I had to the tv (Panasonic 58inch which cost me Ģ2.5k at the time) and only has one 4K hdmi input!
So when I purchased a Panasonic 4K blueray player I had to get a hdmi splitter, I tried several ones and even though they claimed to support 4K they didn't, so I bit the bullet and payed Ģ70 for a Lindy one thinking that would solve it.
Until the issue with the power cut I hadn't taken any notice of the output signal on tv, so now it's just vu4k on it's own for now plugged into the only 4K input.
No doubt I eventually will find a decent hdmi splitter that will support 4K
Thanks again for you're help