View Full Version : HB9000 Remote Control Frequency

Weston Calling
11-09-2016, 05:04 PM
I've just bought a HitechBox HB9000 after using a Spiderbox HD6000 for the last couple of years. I'm starting to get used to some of the features of the HitechBox, but I've encountered an annoying problem. I've had a search on here and I don't think this problem has been discussed before.

The remote control for my TV (Technika) seems to use the same frequency as the HitechBox. So if I'm watching a satellite channel on the HitechBox and then switch over to Freeview, the satellite channel changes. So when I switch back to the HitechBox I then have to change channels again. I know it's a fairly minor problem, but if anyone knows a solution I'd be grateful to read it.

11-09-2016, 05:54 PM
watch the freeview channels on the hitechbox if you have access to astra 28.2e

11-09-2016, 05:55 PM
You could try moving to Hitech box (as its so small) to another location in the same room or even behind the TV until the TV's remote doesn't have effect.
Really depend how strong the TV remote signal is. Another option is to tape over the Hitech's receiver sensor, this depends on the Hitech's remote signal strength, just experiment.

Update : Good one satwyn

Weston Calling
11-09-2016, 06:03 PM
Thanks for the replies. I don't have access to 28 degrees East, so I'll have to look at options for damping down the Hitecbox reception.