View Full Version : Softcam issue

12-09-2016, 01:38 PM
Hope I'm allowed to type this.
Using CCcam
When I steer the dish between providers I need to keep restarting CCcam.
I have seen something called CCcam Prio.
Not sure if it will help?????
Can anybody help please.
Cheers in advance.

12-09-2016, 03:17 PM
If you are using CCcam 2.3.0 then using CCcam 2.2.1 may be the answer but would help us help you knowing which version you are currently using and which channels are causing you to have to restart it.

12-09-2016, 07:50 PM
Hi mate.
I guess so :-)
On my Vu+, DM800SE the same.
CCcam version 2.20
When I downloaded 2.21 from feeds, it said upgrading from 2.20!!
It seems to be sporadic with various euro providers.
Just upgraded to 2.21 as suggested.
Will report back.
Thanks again mate.