View Full Version : Samsung ue48h6670stxxu fault

08-10-2016, 03:10 PM
only 17 months old and looks like 4 or 5 backlight strips are faulty (5 darker patches on picture) know how to change strips but can not find what the part numbers are for this model and/ or ware to tuy the parts...??

08-10-2016, 03:54 PM
under the old SOGA you have 6 years to get redress if its a manufacturing fault

I would try and get the shop to deal with it and refer it to Samsung who should repair it free of charge if its a design or manufacturing fault

it may have a longer warranty from Samsung than the standard 1 year anyway

you may have to pay for an inspection and this will be refunded if samsung take the repair on due to the SOGA

08-10-2016, 04:23 PM
I have just had my samsung ue39 repaired ,its 33 month old I took it to cornwall televison service.they got it repaired foc. One of the led's blow and melted into the carrier.

08-10-2016, 05:33 PM
phoned samsung yesterday,they told me set only g/teed only 12 months,they told me it might be repairable at my own cost and gave me a repair agent t/number to contact,phoned the number they told me,they could collect and estimate the cost of repair for £65 or take it to them myself and pay £25.if i went ahead with the repair the 65/25 would be deducted from the total repair bill.

08-10-2016, 06:14 PM
Send a email to samsung explaining what the fault is and mention the the SOGA act.

This act applies if bought before sep30th 2015 not the consumer rights act

The Sale of Goods Act requires all goods to be:

as described
of satisfactory quality and
fit for purpose

If they're not, the retailer is in breach of contract, giving rise to a claim under the Sale of Goods Act

08-10-2016, 06:26 PM
the retailer is the one responsible under the SOGA, so your first port of call is with them using SOGA and the 6 year rule

they should liaise with Samsung and sort it out, especially if its a manufacturing defect, free of charge

samsung are not liable under the SOGA , the retailer is (your contract is with the retailer , not Samsung)

like a lot of uninformed people, you are going about this the wrong way

complain to the retailer , in writing , stating that you believe it is a manufacturing defect under the SOGA and you want it sorted out free of charge (bearing in mind the fact that they will have to have it inspected first)

08-10-2016, 07:01 PM
thanks ech & rasp i phoned samsung earlier spoke to them they asked for the purchase date (02/05/15) they said they could extend the g/tee sometimes to 18 months but as i am over 18 months,so try currys(the seller). im having a bad time at the moment,brother in law has asbestosis and going down fast ,needs lung transplant,i am going to have to help knock down some of his house walls so he can live downstairs,can take him along time to get upstairs,(he is in his late fifties).and now his son inlaw has had a serious accident 4 by 4 ran off the back of a transporter over him, snapped off his foot and broke bones in leg and ribs...**

08-10-2016, 07:07 PM
sorry to hear about your woes

I suspected this was Currys, my lad also had one from there several years ago with an inherent fault

he phoned samsung but as you said its out of warranty

his (and yours) contract is with Currys, not Samsung , as the retailer is liable due to the fact that your contract is with them

Currys should have it inspected and if found to be not fit for purpose under SOGA (manufacturing defect - mot of merchantable quality) they should either repair or replace it free of charge, if you have to pay for the inspection, this will be refunded if found to fail the SOGA test

you do not have any contract with Samsung, so they are unlikely to help you

if Currys fail to help, then you can get it inspected and use an MCOL to recover monies and damages etc

my lads was referred to a local samsung repair centre who repaired it free of charge after 3.5 years and the fees were refunded

see this similar thread from a few years ago


I repeat, you contact Currys and quote the SOGA at them

08-10-2016, 07:25 PM
Sorry to here about your troubles M8.

Stick with it as echo stated get hold of Currys see what they say.

The component must have been faulty in the beginning and over time has broken down.

A few years ago i had a Samsung tv with a fault took it to a local repairer.

He found the the fault but was not a authorised repairer so could not get the part .

Took it a authorised repairer cost £49.50 £48.00 Labour £1.50 for the part.

I get all my tv's for family and friends from richer sounds with 6 year free warranty

09-10-2016, 09:52 AM
Just to second what's been said above, your contract is with the retailer and not with Samsung - they have no legal responsibility outside the warranty period and any help they give you is a matter of goodwill. However, Curry's do have a legal responsibility under SOGA, as rasp says, and being faulty after 17 months use clearly fails the SOGA tests of satisfactory quality and being fit for purpose.

You need to contact Curry's and point out your rights under SOGA, and that the TV is not of satisfactory quality and not fit for purpose, having failed after only 17 months. If you make it very clear to them that you are not going to let this go, they usually back down and accept their legal responsibilities. If they think they can fob you off, they will try.

If Curry's refuse to help you, your local Trading Standards Office will point you in the right direction.

10-10-2016, 03:12 PM
update tried contacting currys by phone,after 5mins of press1..2..3 etc, a very detailed service that brings you to a dedicated samsung led tv faults message...contact samsung direct on............. the same number i rang on friday that told me i was out of g/tee and hung up on me.looks like a visit to currys to see if i get anyware.

10-10-2016, 03:24 PM
Try these M8 if you can not get by phone try email

Currys Office Contact Details

The contact details of the company is provided below can be used by the customers to get in touch with the company. The details include the contact number, email, fax and the website details.

Currys Office Address : DSG Retail Ltd, Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7TG. Company registration number: 504877.

Currys Office Phone Number : +44 844 800 2030 (head office) , 0344 561 0000 (to get in touch with sales & customer service team)

Currys Office Email ID : customer.services@currys.co.uk

10-10-2016, 04:54 PM
just been to currys durham and was told by a member of staff to phone currys customer number and that i would be given a number ref for the set to be tested by martin daws for £24.on phoning currys and waiting 30 mins have been told out of g/tee take to currys £99 inspection charge,and the have to pay for repair.isaid sogo and he told me he would get a manager to phone me sometime .????
the 03445610000 takes 30 min s and dont want to know
the 0844 number gives a message redial using 03448002030 this gives a message they DO not accept calls,only calls to known internal people...?
i have pleanty on my plate with family problems without all this running around in circles and getting NOWARE..CURRYS..STINKS

10-10-2016, 07:32 PM
As I said, try your local Trading Standards Office, you will probably find that they are quite familiar with Curry's. They will tell you the procedure that you will have to follow to get redress, which will probably start with a letter to the manager of the store detailing your complaint, giving them a date by which to respond.

If you cannot get a satisfactory response, then it may end up with a trip to small claims court - don't be put off by this, it's a simple procedure these days and can all be done online.

By the way, I was done over by Currys' predecessor Dixons many years ago and vowed never to buy a fuse from them ever again. I'm a bit older and wiser now.

10-10-2016, 07:56 PM
Send a email to Currys:

Mention all the problems you are having to trying to sort this out and the costs involved.

Also get it touch with your local trading standard office tell about the problems you having and ask for email address.

When you send the email to currys do a Cc to trading standards

So currys can see you have sent one to them

10-10-2016, 08:22 PM
still no callback from a"manager" put the story on trustpilot.and got a responce within minutes from currys once again with out of waranty send recpt number date etc,no good will ,we can book exam £99 and see what is wrong and estimate repair cost and if i had some how caused the fault. i have sent details but have asked if the samsung agent martin daws washington can do this as they charge £24 and currys phone lines send you to contact samsung dirrect and samsung send you to martin daws.

11-10-2016, 09:48 AM
So sorry Joe, seems SOGA no longer adhered to here as stated above - this is scandalous treatment of a customer by Currys, who've been around for SO long, although obviously this isn't the 'same' Currys they were years ago before takeover etc etc!
I really feel for you Joe and wish you better luck in the future than you seem to be experiencing at the moment mate!
Have you tried the CAB?

11-10-2016, 12:26 PM
complain to head office IN WRITING and quote the fact it should be of merchantable quality under SOGA and last longer than 17 months

tell them you want it repaired or replaced or you are considering issuing a court claim under MCOL

if it was paid for using a credit card or credit agreement, get them involved too

BTW, I did tell you earlier that under the SOGA its up to you to pay for an inspection, which if found to be a manufacturing defect (and not your fault - like these galaxy note 7 issues) then this can be claimed back

it is your job to prove the failure once more than 6 months have elapsed from the date of purchase, unless there is an extended warranty in place that covers it (or insurance)

12-10-2016, 03:27 PM
update thanks to trustpilot managed to get a responce from currys (put a review on their site "t/pilot" and got a responce from currys a few mins later)now after about 8 emails of hassel, currys going to collect tv f.o.c. on friday for inspection

12-10-2016, 11:37 PM
Lets hope Currys at last see sense in your favour Joe!

13-10-2016, 10:39 AM
After reading this thread it really is a sad state of affairs if a TV just 17 months old develops this type of fault, Just for information though if anyone now buys any Samsung Premium UHD TV these now come with a standard 5 year warranty from samsung which is not clearly advertised they also give you a 10 year screen burn warranty for said eligible products.

Just ashame the same cannot be said about there Galaxy Note 7, perhaps with this shambles they actually might decide to stop using cheaper sub-standard parts in there products

13-10-2016, 01:04 PM
Yes mate, hear hear!
Does seem a bit odd that Samsung suddenly have a battery which fails to perform (well, not in the right way that is!! lol!!) after all the other batteries they have successfully used on their phones over the years? Or maybe the logics etc etc in the Note 7 is TOO sophisticated for the battery system to handle?

Either way, how come Samsung don't offer Currys a five year warranty too?
Currys really DO need to take a close look at themselves (or is it still Dixons?) - and sort people like poor Joe's issues out without all this innuendo etc - don't they actually SEE that by doing so they would vastly improve their sales potential amongst their future customers with a far better after sales service, for which they USED to have a fantastic reputation years ago?

18-10-2016, 08:49 PM
Sounds like a result with Currys, persistance does indeed pay off.

It's too late for Dixons/Currys, they have been crap for 30+ years to my knowledge. Rip off extended warranties and refusal of any help if you don't buy one. Fob you off with bodge repairs until the end of the warranty period. Whilst this may not be most people's experience with the company, this complaint crops up far too often.

As for the note 7, I can't believe the batteries are at fault - Li-ion and LiPo are well proven technologies, but they can be fragile. This must be a flaw in the design of the phone, either something in close contact with the battery is seriously overheating it causing the catastrophic battery failure, or some fault occurring within the power management circuit is causing excessive current drain, again overheating the battery to the point of catastrophic failure.

Either way, it's duff design.

19-10-2016, 06:52 PM
My ue39 has gone wrong again.It's haloing if you know what i mean.

22-10-2016, 04:11 PM
tv returned home today,new screen fitted,no charge,reason manufacturing defect

22-10-2016, 04:52 PM
tv returned home today,new screen fitted,no charge,reason manufacturing default.

It's been a real good saga to follow.

22-10-2016, 05:21 PM
Well done M8

22-10-2016, 08:33 PM
I can only echo the above replies, its what should have been done in the manner I said throughout this thread, so well done for arguing it out with Currys and proving we were right and they needed to step up to the plate and do the honours !!

really pleased the advice was good and it worked out for you, especially as its been done F. O. C .!!!

23-10-2016, 08:35 AM
tv returned home today,new screen fitted,no charge,reason manufacturing defect
hope yours last longer than my first replacement 4 days .now got 2nd new screen fitted. it will last longer this time ,we are away for a few days.

23-10-2016, 09:28 PM
Lovely. I do like a happy ending. :respect-048: