View Full Version : vo solo 4k oscam freezing droping sound

10-10-2016, 11:38 PM
hi can some one please have a look at my config file .iam not to sure if it set up correctly .its freezing and droping the sound . some on said my config file mite need tweaking .black-hole image .please anyone

11-10-2016, 05:07 PM

Have a look over here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?169929-oscam-files-and-helphttp://)you will Find there a good HowTo/Help Thread

11-10-2016, 05:46 PM
thats going to pickle my head lol. thanks ill try to get my head around it .have done it for a long time :respect-055:

11-10-2016, 06:06 PM

Yes itīs a bit to read but @Echelon did it good and important to you
he explains it on VU Box with BH Image only difference to you is the Box ( you need a ARM Oscam )
but the .config/dvbapi/server/user/srvid//provid are in at the same Location
You also posted very few infos so itīs not easy to Help,i use my 4K with BH only as a Client Box
in my Home,with no Smartcards or CI Modules.
If you need further Infos ? you may have also a look at the Wiki

11-10-2016, 10:21 PM
thank you sir i probably have the same setup as you harddriver... 4K with BH only as a Client Box it was a head spin for me just to get oscam to work as i was trying out dif images couldn't get anything to open on mgcam so read up as much as i could .way above my paycheck .but i have got this fare no idea how .ill go back over it and try again ..ill let you how i get on cheers for you time sir :respect-055:

12-10-2016, 07:47 PM
Having played around with the solo 4k for a while it can give you bad glitching if you get the oscam configs wrong. For any begineer I would recommend a back up image such as masterg openblackhole. All you would then need to do is add your server line.

13-10-2016, 02:21 PM
Latest compiled Oscam for the VU 4K box are here


13-10-2016, 05:40 PM

Your Link goes to the Board but not all are registered at that Board ;)
If you wish to Download the Oscam go to the DownloadCenter there are all Versions not
only the .arm Version

14-10-2016, 09:17 PM
yes that is the backup image i have kegnkiwi masterg openblackhole .ive had it for a while now but still getting the freezing with it .iam sure its the config .but i have now got a new config from a member from here thanks hardrive .but still getting my head around how to do it all .its been a long time from i was in oscam playing scared in case i make a balls up of it lol

31-12-2016, 11:18 AM
yes that is the backup image i have kegnkiwi masterg openblackhole .ive had it for a while now but still getting the freezing with it .iam sure its the config .but i have now got a new config from a member from here thanks hardrive .but still getting my head around how to do it all .its been a long time from i was in oscam playing scared in case i make a balls up of it lol

Hi, would you be able to share your config file as I'm having similar glitching problems. Pulling my hair out on a Ģ400+ box...