View Full Version : New owner. Video output problem

14-10-2016, 06:35 PM
Hi, guys,

I received my Vu solo2 today but have a bit of a problem with the output format. Currently Im using the scart output as I need to use a video sender (scart conection only) to transfer the picture to my bedroom. The issue is the menu from the Vu is half of the screen so I cant see the options available. I tried to adjust my TV format, 16:9, 4:3 etc but cant get the menu from the Vu to display correctly. Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

14-10-2016, 06:42 PM
i have the same thing on my uno
but as I use the webif to controle it I get the whole menu in my webbrowser

14-10-2016, 06:52 PM
Thanks DCG, I'll have to read up now what webif is, and how to use it lol

If anybody can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I feel like the new kid at school here and Im a bit lost lol

14-10-2016, 07:43 PM
Open Webif.
Do you know your receivers IP address? Can you get that up on your screen?
You can use the VU+ Control Centre, supplied by Lee, from Goldwafers, for most things, including Open webif, listed as Web Control, but you will need to login, using your receivers IP address:

You can use DCC, the Dreambox Control Centre, to locate your receivers IP Address:

Just start up DCC_E2.exe, click the Suchen option, followed by Suche, and it should find everything located to your network.

What image do you have loaded?
Have you set up your internet connection?
How far have you gotten?
Have you read Lee's guides?

14-10-2016, 07:46 PM

The use of the WebIf could not be the Answer to this issue
Try to use the Default SD Skin if the Box has one Installed
than you can play with the A/V Settings from the Box and or the UI position Setup
if i remember right i read somewhere that this setting should be set to max means : 0/720/0/576.
Please note also this is only a try to help cause my current in use boxes donīt
even have a Scart connection ( Solo 4K/DM7080 )

14-10-2016, 07:57 PM
Thank for the help guys,

I haven't set up my internet connection yet as I need to go into my router and allow the MAC address access. I have Black hole loaded, this was done for me by goldwaffers when I purchased the box. I have a copy of VuCC, I'll try your suggestions later, thanks :) I read loads of threads here over the last few days so I'm getting there. I also had a channel list added as well by goldwaffers. This seems a bit messy and Im still trying to find my way around it. Is there a way to edit the list and remove some Satellite that I would ever need. Also, Im trying to work out how to add my favorite channels so that I have quick access to them. I down loaded the manual from Vu site but that doesn't help me in any way lol

Anyway, thanks for your replies, its much appreciated. Im sure I'll get there soon, once I get some quality time to find my way around, but with only half the menu being displayed its not helping :)

14-10-2016, 08:53 PM
Probably the easiest way, to edit your channels, and save them, is with Dreamboxedit:

14-10-2016, 09:03 PM
Oh, thanks Mickha. I'm learning all the time :) Thanks again!

Right, managed to connect to internet, download my channel list and start to edit it. Still cant solve the menu being off screen though :(

All that was the easy part, now to get onto more tricky things that we cant mention, wink wink lol

One thing that I dont like is the channel display, but I may not have discovered it yet. Is there a way to scroll a page at a time rather than holding your finger on the up/down button? Edit, just found it lool

Oh, and whats the difference between the various images, are they purely just visual?

Thank again for your help guy :)