View Full Version : Kodi launcher

17-10-2016, 04:35 PM
Hi, guys,

I may need some advice again please. If I start by saying this box was purchased from our sponsor and setup by them with BH that may help you understand the situation, and remember, Im a novice at all this, but leaning.

I tried the Kodi launcher a couple of times now and on each occasion the box locked up and I had to power off from the main switch get live into it again. Should this function work? if so, can anybody please help me to try and sort out the problem? I've tried to find out the answer for myself but cant find anything that relates to my problem.

Thanks in advance.

17-10-2016, 05:36 PM
When you say it "locked up" what do you mean? If you mean the screen just goes black/blank, did you wait? as I find it takes kodi approx 15secs to open.

17-10-2016, 06:04 PM
Sorry, I should have said. As soon as I try and launch it the screen goes black and nothing happens. The remote does nothing and I have to power off. I waited 10 minutes for it to do something, but nothing. Even the display on the font is blank.

17-10-2016, 06:15 PM
Have you done the online update to Black Hole 3.0.2 I?
Check which version you have loaded, by going into the menu, Information, and selecting the About option.

17-10-2016, 06:31 PM
I just checked and I'm on 3.0.2H

I also had a look to see how to update online in the menu system. I could only see software update menu, is it done from there? I only got the box on Friday so assumed it had the latest BH on it, and I could only see the H version on this site

17-10-2016, 07:19 PM
Menu, Setup, Software Management, Software Update, version H to I is only a minor update so not worth a full install.
When I launch Kodi, via the plugins, it only takes a few seconds, on my Duo 2, first the screen goes black, for a few seconds, then my picture returns, and Kodi launches.
It might be that your image has become corrupted and might require a complete re-load.
Have you added anything, or changed skins?

17-10-2016, 07:26 PM
Hi, Mickha.

Nope, mine just locks up. I haven't loaded anything yet as Im still learning how to do things, and what I need. The only thing I've done is configure my network, download my channel list to the laptop and thats about it.

Funny, but I found this on another site "thanks,but i have problem with kodi no startup why...play one day ok but today off.." and this was posted on Friday the same day I got my new box.

Perhaps I should try a earlier version. It is OK to keep swapping versions?

17-10-2016, 07:56 PM
You can swap versions, and images, to get whichever one you like.
Follow the guide, by Lee, for basic settings, also backup your channel list. using dreamboxedit, as it makes it easier to set up again.
Do you have a fixed dish, with multiple LNB's, single fixed dish, or motorized system?
Once you load a new image you will have to set up your Tuners again, and other things, but most of it is basic, and once you get used to it you can do it in a few minutes.

17-10-2016, 08:00 PM
Thanks, Mickha,

I have a motorized system. I'll reload the latest version of BH again and see what happens. Do you know of a previous version that is stable and works with Kodi?

Thank again for your help!

17-10-2016, 08:52 PM
I'm not sure which version, of Black Hole, had Kodi, and which build, I think earlier versions had something different.
Why not try loading Black Hole 3.0.1 and then try Kodi, just after setting up, without even loading a channel list, and see if it works.

17-10-2016, 09:05 PM
have you loaded a repository for your kodi to connect to

has Jarvis 16.1 installed

17-10-2016, 09:25 PM
Hi, DCG,

I have a hard drive fitted, if thats what you mean :)

It was all configured by goldwaffers so I surprised it doesn't work :(

Heres something else to throw into pot. when I do a hard power off and then on again my dish moves to 39e, and the box doesn't start on the channel I left it on!

17-10-2016, 09:50 PM
Hi, DCG,

I have a hard drive fitted, if thats what you mean :)

no the hdd as nothing to do with the repo
ie wookie or ares

It was all configured by goldwaffers so I surprised it doesn't work :(

I think you will find the box works fine

Heres something else to throw into pot. when I do a hard power off and then on again my dish moves to 39e, and the box doesn't start on the channel I left it on!

as it moves to 39e do yo watch channels from there

you need to read and learn and we will try and help

17-10-2016, 10:10 PM
Hi, DCG,

When I finished watching a channel the box is left on 19e. Its only moves when I've had to power down the box after trying Kodi, due to the lock up, that I noticed the dish moves to 39e when I re-power on.

As for reading. I've been here every day since Friday going over numerous posts trying to get to to speed with this equipment. I only tend to ask questions once I've exhausted all paths. I understand where your coming from though :-)

As you say, Im sure the box is fine, perhaps I used the wrong expression when I said "Im surprised is doesn't work". My intentions were not malicious.

I better just point out. I've never really used Kodi before and only loaded it on my laptop a few weeks ago to see what all the hype was about with IPTV, I haven't ran it since. I naturally assumed that because it was on my Vu box that it should work. I hope you can understand my blindness! :)

Thanks for you note regarding wookie or ares, these are new terms to me so I need to look further afield on the operation of Kodi :-)


17-10-2016, 10:29 PM
When on a channel, on 19.2E, go into the menu and select the restart option.
The receiver stores a list, of previous channels visited, which you can access by using the < > buttons, at the bottom of the remote control, I think it stores around 20 previously viewed channels, so it might be selecting the first channel in the memory.

17-10-2016, 10:30 PM
that's ok bud im only trying to help

do you no how to do a fresh install

do you no how to back things up

have you saved any needed files to your pc as you should incase of problems

if so do a fresh install and ill help you if needed
as too much help can often confuse users

17-10-2016, 10:52 PM
Thanks DCG,

Yep, I'm familiar (now) with the points you mentioned :) Well, I haven't done fresh install yet but I've read the stickies and I'm confidant I should mess things up :) I've been reading threads on Kodi and wookie and now my head hurts, I was completely lost. In the morning, I'll try a fresh install and hope that is works. If not, I will be really stuck and need some help but I know you guys will put up with my ignorance and help :-)

17-10-2016, 10:59 PM
make sure to back up your config file if needed and the rest should be easy

17-10-2016, 11:21 PM
Thanks Mickha,

That worked a treat, you were right :-) It also answered a question I was asking myself of wheres the channel recall button. This is even better as its stores more than just the previous channel :-) I had a bit of trouble finding the restart menu but got there in the end. Thanks again.

19-10-2016, 04:12 PM
Hi, guys,

I manned to find out what the issue is. The problem is I'm using the scart output as I need to use a video sender to the TV in my bedroom. When launching Kodi it routes the video signal to the HMDI socket only :( Now, does anybody know if there is a way around this so that Kodi is forced out via the scart socket?

19-10-2016, 04:54 PM
Why not use both a scart, and HDMI, connection, just switch to HDMI when using Kodi, besides the HDMI should provide better picture quality,
The great alternative is to buy another VU+, the VU+ Zero, which is designed as a second set top receiver.
Check out the information, on the VU+ website:


19-10-2016, 05:35 PM
Hi, Mickha, Thanks for that, I'll take a look.

19-10-2016, 10:22 PM
Have you tried using Open Webif, on your laptop, or other device, to view, and control, your VU+ Solo 2?

20-10-2016, 10:41 AM
Yes, I have it loaded on my laptop, but haven't seen what happens if I try and launch Kodi. I will give it a go :-)